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How to Build the Perfect Resume and LinkedIn Profile with Katie McIntyre

The Tech Academy
310 Southwest 4th Avenue
Portland, OR 97204, US (map)

Follow the google meet link to join the event live or watch the replay on our YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/TTAYTPL



Katie McIntyre from Career Sprout is joining us to discuss building the perfect resume and LinkedIn Profile to get recruiters reaching out to you!

Katie is a consultant who has been involved in more than $50 million in online coaching sales. Through her work with Career Sprout, Katie works with professionals who want to transition into a meaningful career with a company they admire. On average, Career Sprout students land high paying job offers within 67 days and increase their salaries by $37k.

This Talk will cover:

-How to have Recruiters and Hiring Managers seek you out so you can secure interviews with the companies YOU want to work with -The ingredients of a perfectly optimized LinkedIn Profile -The dirty resume secrets no recruiter talks about -Proven resume templates to use today

Join us Friday, March 11th, at 1pm Pacific Time (2p MT, 3p CT, 4p ET) in our Google Meet room.

RSVP on Meetup: bit.ly/TechTalk311 RSVP on Eventbrite: bit.ly/TechTalke311

Can't make it live? We will be posting the recording to our Tech Talks playlist on our YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/TTA-techtalks

Don't miss this great opportunity to learn and network!


