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Live Job Placement Q&A with Tyler Hoff from Open Teams

The Tech Academy
310 Southwest 4th Avenue
Portland, OR 97204, US (map)

This is a virtual event, please go to this google meet room at the time of the event: https://meet.google.com/erw-giij-ktv



Are you having trouble with your job search?

Tyler Hoff will be joining us for a live job placement Q&A!

Tyler is a Recruiting Manager at Open Teams. Open Teams is a place where open source users can go to learn about all the software that is available, how to use it, and where to find help when they need it.

The Talk will start with Tyler going over the the interview process with their partner companies and also giving some advice on what recruiters look for on LinkedIn and GitHub for junior developers. For the rest, we will have the Q&A section. The Q&A will cover most of the time.

This event is all about viewer participation, so bring all of your job recruitment related questions!

Join us Friday, February 4th at 1pm Pacific Time (2p MT, 3p CT, 4p ET).

RSVP on Meetup: https://bit.ly/ttm024 RSVP on Eventbrite:https://bit.ly/tte024

Can't make it live? We will be posting the recording to our Tech Talks playlist on our YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/TTA-techtalks

Don't miss this great opportunity to learn and network!

