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Scale Back or Burn Out: A Webinar on Preventing Burnout



Feeling burned out? You aren't alone.

Nearly a year and a half into the global pandemic of COVID-19, burnout is running rampant throughout our workplaces. As leaders and managers we have the privilege and responsibility to help steer our companies and teams into a healthier, more sustainable, and more productive pace. That starts with recognizing the level of burnout happening in your own workplace and choosing to face it head on.

Charlie Gilkey and Angela Wheeler, from Productive Flourishing, have been helping leaders, managers, and business owners overcome and thrive in this messy middle we all find ourselves in at the moment where things are not quite “business as usual” and “nowhere close to normal.”

Work has been forever changed by this global shift and with that change we are facing unprecedented levels of burnout. Join us as we help you identify signs of burnout in your organization. Plus, you'll learn how to turn the ship around and make sure that your company is one that doesn’t just “make it through,” but actually thrives and prospers.
