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How Our Earliest Relationships Shape Our Neurobiology and Influence Our Health - Synapsistic Meetup

850 Northwest 13th Avenue
Portland, OR 97209, USA (map)

Please RSVP https://www.meetup.com/Synapsistic/events/268365663/



Beginning before birth, human development takes place deeply embedded within a biobehavioral system with other conspecifics. The attachment bond that forms between the highly altricial infant and its caregiver not only ensures the infant's survival but is the critical context for the brain development that underpins executive function and self-regulation. Emerging research identifies how infant-caregiver neurobiological synchrony between helps shape this development and how early experiences marked by deprivation, adversity, and trauma influence mental and physical health across the lifespan. In this talk, Dr. Waters will discuss the neurobiology of attachment, the ways in which early experience gets under the skin, and what we can do about it.

