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Thursday, May 30, 2019 at 5pm.
Ruby Tuesday - PDX Ruby Brigade Monthly Meeting
Access Notes
Check in at the security desk to get access to the 27th floor. This usually isn't required for official events and meetups.
The event will end promptly at 9pm this month because of venue constraints.
Come out and socialize with your fellow Rubyists! Pizza & beer starting at 6pm
PRESENTATIONS - 7pm-8:30pm
Fluent Refactoring -
Sam Livingston-Gray will give a presentation about refactoring a gnarly Rails controller method. DON'T PANIC! You don't actually need to know anything about refactoring to get something out of this talk. This is a lightly edited version of a talk Sam gave in 2013, so if you'd like a preview, you're welcome to check out the slides[1] and the code[2].
(Sam says "the intro never quite worked, so I'm just cutting that and jumping straight into the code.")
[1] https://www.slideshare.net/geeksam/fluent-refactoring-cascadia-ruby-conf-2013-1021
[2] https://github.com/geeksam/fluent-refactoring