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@DAMAPDX Nov. Chapter Meeting "Data Management Maturity" with Melanie Mecca

Nike World Headquarters
1 Bowerman Dr
Beaverton, OR, US (map)

Nike World Headquarters

Room location TBD. RSVP on Eventbrite for notice with building and parking details.



NOTE: $15 for non-members / $5 for students. RSVP via Eventbrite, link on damapdx.org

Presented by Melanie Mecca Director, Data Management Product and Services, CMMI Institute

Data Management Maturity – Why We Need It and How It Can Propel You to DM Leadership

Our industry is continually building capabilities based on its considerable accomplishments over the past decades. Some of the (roughly) sequential milestone markers that most organization share include: data design, data administration, data architecture / warehousing, data quality and governance, MDM, and predictive analytics using both structured and unstructured data.

So why haven’t organizations attained DM perfection? As we know, the data layer in the vast majority of organizations grew project by project, typically to meet specific needs of a line of business. Best practices were not usually shared, useful work products languished in project repositories, etc. – and above all, there was no universal mandate to manage data as a critical corporate asset.

The Data Management Maturity (DMM)SM Model’s primary goals are to accelerate organization-wide DM programs by: providing a sound reference model to quickly evaluate capabilities, strengths and gaps; accelerating business engagement; launching a collaborative vision / strategy; and identifying key initiatives to extend existing capabilities while building new ones – leading to efficiency, cost savings, creativity, and improved data quality.

In this seminar, we’ll address:

Data Management Capabilities and Maturity Evaluation The DMM in action – interactive exercise with the Business Glossary – rate your organization! Case study examples – how organizations have accelerated their progress How to leverage Data Management Maturity to empower your career.


Melanie Mecca, CMMI Institute’s Director of Data Management Products and Services, has solved enterprise data challenges for 30+ years, and is the managing author of the Data Management Maturity (DMM) SM Model. She created a business-centric method for evaluating an organization’s data management capabilities, which delivers targeted, actionable results for organizations in multiple industries. Ms. Mecca’s led development of a series of courses and web-based learning leading to the Enterprise Data Management Expert (EDME) certification. She teaches seminars, presents at conferences and webinars, is a regular columnist for The Data Administration Newsletter, and a contributor to the Data Management Body of Knowledge 2.0. Ms. Mecca advocates measurement of data management capabilities as the quickest acceleration path for achieving business value, empowering governance, and advancing the organization’s data strategy.

Regular presenter at DGIQ, Financial DG, Winter DG, EDW, and many other conference venues. Columnist for TDAN “Data Professional Introspective,” webinars for DataVersity, ISACA, Data Driven Business, and CMMI Institute. Direct IP and data management course development. Frequent presenter for DAMA Chapters, e.g. Seattle, Phoenix, Portland, NCR, etc.


November 15th, 2018 (Chapter Meetings, 3rd Thursday)


8:30 – 9:00 am – Sign In 9:00 – 10:15 am – Presentation 10:15 – 10:30 am – Break, Chapter Announcements 10:30 – 11:30 am – Presentation continued


Free for Members! $15 for Non-Members $5 for Students with valid student ID See our corporate members

