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Thursday, August 16, 2018 at 9:39am and last updated
Friday, August 17, 2018 at 11:50am.
PDX Women in Tech (PDXWIT) September Happy Hour
Registration through Eventbrite [https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pdx-women-in-tech-pdxwit-september-happy-hour-tickets-49177317681] is required to gain entry to this event
Join us for Happy Hour at Schrodinger on September 18th.
We talk a lot about the importance of technical skills at every level of the technology industry, but our soft skills can be just as important, if not more! This month we are focusing on how we can nurture and leverage our soft-skills and natural strengths at work. To facilitate this discussion we’ve set the conversation starter to “What are your go-to soft skills at work?”
While the event is primarily intended for networking, we will have a short segment at 5:30 to share important announcements and showcase three women in our community.
An employee of Schrodinger will provide an introduction to the company and share open job opportunities.
Shauna Levy, of Shauna Levy Strengths + Leadership LLC, will tell us how understanding our natural strengths (the things we do without thinking) can be applied to improve our performance and satisfaction at work.
Caroline Clyburn, licensed massage therapist, will talk about self-care, and how it relates to health, happiness, and performance!
During the event, we’ll have more to do than free-form networking:
An Activity Table where people can get creative. This is a fantastic way to meet others if large groups are not your thing. If you have trouble finding it, look for Meg Aul, our Event Activities Director.
Table Topics to help break the ice.
A section for job seekers and our sponsors who are hiring, to ensure people get connected.
4:30 p.m. - Doors open/Networking
5:30 p.m. - Introductions, Announcements + Lightning Speakers
6:30 p.m. - Event ends
Event FAQ:
Q: Will there be gender neutral restrooms? A: Yes
Q: Is the space ADA accessible? A: Yes
Q: Will there be food and drink at this event? A: Yes there will be food and drink with labeled vegan and GF options
Q: What is the parking situation? A: NO - Best Option = SmartPark at 4th and Yamhill - we don't validate parking
Q: Is there any special information that might help me find the entrance? A: Entering: Guests can come in through SW 5th and SW Morrison Avenue and make their way to the top floor of Pioneer Place mall. Exiting: When the mall is closed (after 8 pm), guests can use our private elevator exit that will drop them directly on 5th Avenue.
Q: Is there secured bike parking? A: No
Q: Should I consider using public transportation? A: YES - max and bus accessible
Q: Can I bring my dog? A: No, we ask that you leave your furry friend home.
PDXWIT is a community-based non-profit organization. Our purpose is to strengthen the Portland women in tech community by offering educational programs, partnerships, mentorships, resources and opportunities. We are unifying a supportive environment for current and potential women in tech, all of whom are committed to helping each other. Our goal is to bring together and empower women in tech and to encourage others to pursue tech careers. This is our step towards reducing the gender imbalance in the industry and addressing the current negative effects of that imbalance on women.
Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.