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How is Rejection Affecting your Business?

707 SW Washington St #1100, Portland, OR 97205
Portland, OR 97205, us (map)


Trying to make a sale? Acquire a client? Find an investor? Pitch an idea to a company? Get published? Accomplishing any of these goals follows a path riddled with rejection. Constant rejection like that can be debilitating, leading to burn out and maybe even to giving up on your dream.

Rejection is universal, we all deal with it. It’s discouraging, but it doesn’t have to mean failure. We are going to teach you why we as humans have such a powerful reaction to rejection. More importantly, we will be teaching you the universal solution to not letting it negatively affect you, where you can instead use rejection to aid in your success.

RSVP: https://www.meetup.com/Startup-Your-Startup/events/249474274/
