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Esri GeoDev Meetup

Esri PDX R&D Center
309 SW 6th Avenue #600
Portland, OR 97204, USA (map)

This event takes place in the Esri R&D Center.



Once again, we're hosting an Esri GeoDev Meetup on Wednesday, November 29th. Food and beverages will be provided at the meet up.

This event is a social gathering for developers to discuss the latest in mapping, geo technology, geo services, web and mobile mapping apps, app design, cloud solutions, map data or anything else related to solving real-world "geo" problems.

Developers of all levels of expertise are welcome, from seasoned GIS professionals to those new to geospatial development.

At these meet ups, you can:

• Meet fellow PDXers.

• Show us what you got by demo'ing your application or framework.

• Make a name for yourself in presenting an cool new/interesting concept or idea.

Impress someone by sharing your experiences.

• If you're sharp with your GIS and developer trivia, you can win some cool Esri swag

• Make BFFs for life - connect with other developers!

Here's what's on the agenda:

5:30 - 6:30 PM Registration and Social (Pizza and Beverages served)

6:30 - 7:00 PM Intro

7:00 - 8:00 PM Lightning talks

8:00 - 8:30 PM Giveaway, Networking and Social. Two great prizes:

  • A voucher for 1000 Service Credits for your ArcGIS Online Developer Subscription

  • Giveaway of a DevSummit Registration

Follow us on Twitter: @esrigeodev


