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PDX Women in Tech (PDXWIT) Interactive Git Workshop

New Relic
111 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 2700
Portland, Oregon 97204, United States (map)
Public WiFi

Access Notes

Check in at the security desk to get access to the 27th floor. This usually isn't required for official events and meetups.



Want to learn Git or solidify your existing knowledge? Whether you are interested in contributing to GitHub-based, open-source projects to expand your community impact or setting yourself up to hit the ground running at one of the many local tech companies, Git is a powerful tool that looks great on a resume. PDXWIT is partnering with Scott Bigelow for an hour-long, lunch-time (with lunch provided!) interactive workshop to explore Git.

Whether you are brand new to Git or looking to sharpen your skills, we will get up and running quickly and walk through some interactive scenarios for: - Creating Git repositories - Staging, unstaging, and committing files - Branching and merging - Resolving merge conflicts

We will also be exploring some of the underlying principles of Git, utilizing the command-line for the tasks above. To visualize complex Git hierarchies, we will use a graphical Git application, such as "SourceTree" (a popular free client for Windows and Mac available at https://www.sourcetreeapp.com/).

Please bring your own laptop to this event

PDXWIT is a community-based non-profit organization. Our purpose is to strengthen the Portland women in tech community by offering educational programs, partnerships, mentorships, resources and opportunities. We are unifying a supportive environment for current and potential women in tech, all of whom are committed to helping each other. Our goal is to bring together and empower women in tech and to encourage others to pursue tech careers. This is our step towards reducing the gender imbalance in the industry and addressing the current negative effects of that imbalance on women.


