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Portland Deep Learning - Deep Learning: Style Transfer and Peer Mentoring

PDX Code Guild
2828 SW Corbett Ave
Portland, OR 97201, us (map)

Access Notes

We are upstairs and to the right. Signs will be posted. Call (541) 602-6215 if you need directions.

Room 208. There is street parking and bicycle parking in the basement.



Ok, it's been a little over a month since the last meeting and I hope you are ready to get back into it.

Keep in mind this is a 'peer mentoring' style group. It does not matter what 'level' you are at. Please come with questions and projects and a willingness to discuss and help each other.

Lets start with the first video from part 2 of the Fast.AI course (on style transfer) and the first chapter of the Deep Learning Book (links below).

We're at a new location that should be quieter and have more parking. There is no food there but you can bring your own as long as you clean up afterwards. We'll see how it turns out.

Looking forward to it.





