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Smart Cities: Technologies & Trends

Jaguar Land Rover North America, LLC
1419 NW 14th Ave
Portland, OR 97209, us (map)



As the IoT landscape rapidly evolves, cities across the country are looking to take advantage of these innovative technologies. This event, hosted in partnership with Forth, will explore the different trends and user demands that are converging to set in motion a movement toward more connected, efficient, and safe cities.

The conversation will focus on three evolving technology areas - connected mobility, autonomous mobility, and communications - and their impact on urban life. Josh Hartung of PolySync will share his expertise on autonomous mobility. Brad Gleeson of CIVIQ Smartscapes will share the wide array of communications needed across such varied and competing infrastructures. Matt Jones of moovel will also be sharing the stage to provide his wealth of knowledge of connected mobility.

Join us on May 18th to hear from our curated set of experts, as well as participate in a Q/A session led by moderator, Jeannette Shaw of Forth.

Forth works to advance electric, smart, and shared mobility in the Pacific Northwest and beyond. Learn more at forthmobility.org

