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Science Hack Day Meet & Greet: PDX Maker Week Edition

White Owl Social Club
1305 SE 8th Ave
Portland, OR 97214, US (map)
Public WiFi



The organizers of the upcoming Portland Science Hack Day (October 7th-9th), including the OHSU Library, are hosting a happy hour meet & greet. If you're planning to participate in PDX Maker Week you'll be a short walk away from the Crowd Supply Open House (going on from 5:30-8:30). See PDX Maker Week for more information on their events.

Science Hack Day is an event where anyone excited about making things with science comes together to see what they can prototype in 24 hours. As described in this recent Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences article, these events are valuable and often transformative for scientists. Learning the guts of our equipment, hardware, and software helps researchers to improve transparency and reproducibility. It helps us learn new skills and forge collaborations to build the tools and software we need, rather than relying on proprietary resources.

Never hacked before? This meet & greet is for you! Hack Day enthusiasts will be there to share their experiences and ideas to get you inspired for Portland Science Hack Day in October. Anyone who is excited about making things with science and technology is encouraged to attend.

Learn more, get inspired, form a team!
