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Thursday, June 30, 2016 at 9:42am.
Thursday, June 30, 2016 at 9:42am.
VanTechy - Special Guest Joey Nelson of Joe Scan on Hardware Manufacturing
Columbia Collective
1010 Washington St. Ste. #200
Parking in Vancouver is free after 6:00. Columbia Collective is Vancouver's newest co-working space.
For beginners, VanTechy is where you should start. For veterans, VanTechy is a place to share and mentor others.
This event will include an interview with Joey Nelson of Joe Scan.
The JoeScan story is a classic example of an innovator applying brains and technology to improve upon an existing product. The company Joey Nelson founded when he decided to build a better basic laser scanner now makes a range of scanners that improve recovery in many different aspects of mill operations.
Please RSVP to this free event.