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STEM Initiative - Be a Kid at a Club! Hands on fun and lunch.

Inukai Boys & Girls Clubs
560 SE 3rd Avenue
Hillsboro, OR 97123, us (map)



We hope you enjoyed our first event and introduction to the great programs at Boys & Girls Clubs. We certainly enjoyed meeting everyone who could attend! Our next event will be June 15th at our Inukai Family Club in Hillsboro, OR from 11:30AM-1:30PM.

To mix things up, in addition to lunch and an optional Club tour, we will have stations where you can try the activities our members participate in as part of our STEM programs. Come try your hand at powering a lightbulb with a KidWind Challenge or create a video game with Scratch and CS First. Our staff will be manning the stations to answer questions you may have about our programs and how you can get involved.

Even if you attended our first event we encourage you to come and see what it’s like to be a kid in the Club!

We look forward to seeing familiar and new faces and please let us know if you have any questions.

If you would like to apply to volunteer at any Portland Boys and Girls Club, please check out our STEM and other opportunities at:

Hope to see you there!

The BGC Portland team

