ERROR: Couldn't find all Calagator::Sources with 'id': (996334434, {:include=>[:events, :venues]}) (found 1 results, but was looking for 2)
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TypeScript Open Forum

734 NW 14th Avenue
Portland, OR 97209, us (map)



Join us for our May meeting where we'll be hosting an "open forum". 


6:00pm Networking and Snacks
6:10pm Welcome and Announcements
6:20pm Open Forum

TypeScript Open Forum

Have you started using TypeScript but ran into an issue that's been tough to resolve? Maybe you've been wanting to learn TypeScript but are unsure of where to start? Or maybe you've got a TypeScript project that you'd like to share?

Come join us for an open forum on TypeScript. All skill levels are welcomed. Bring your questions or solutions and share them with the group.

Possible topics include:

• Language features

• Tooling

• Work flow

• Testing

• Irksome problems

• (Fill in the blank... whatever you want!)

