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Tuesday, January 19, 2016 at 10:42am.
Portland Startup Week: Investing in Justice
There's been a recent shift in how activists are trying to bring about social change, and SJF is at the forefront of this shift.
Come find out how you can get involved!
This article has a great breakdown on this new trend of entrepreneurial activism:
For some activists, being entrepreneurial has meant the following things: treating their activist work like a business, turning to popular social media platforms to put out their own press releases and looking for people to invest in their initiative with money and not just good faith.
More about the hosting organizations:
Social Justice Fund Northwest is a foundation working at the frontlines of social change. They leverage the resources of their members to foster significant, long-term social justice solutions throughout Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana & Wyoming.
PDXNALTA is a networking group for underrepresented people of color in tech.
Idealist is all about connecting idealists - people who want to do good - with opportunities for action and collaboration. With more than 100,000 organizations and 1.4 million monthly visitors to our English, Spanish & French sites, Idealist helps people move from intention to action all over the world.