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Sunday, July 19, 2015 at 8:32pm.
Docker Meetup
Access Notes
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Hey Docker Portland! Gear up for our next meetup at New Relic! We nabbed Docker's Jérôme Petazzoni, Digital Insight's Kenny Bastani, and EMC's Jonas Rosland, all of whom will be in town for OSCON. See you there!
6:00pm - Welcome/ Food & Beverage thanks to New Relic!
6:30pm - Kenny Bastani: Building Microservices with Spring Cloud and Docker
In this talk I will introduce you to the Spring Cloud platform for building cloud-native applications in Java. We will take a look at some of the common patterns for microservice architectures and how to use Docker to containerize multiple microservices as a part of a Maven build process.
We will then dive into a microservices example project of a cloud-native application built on Spring Cloud. Using this example project, I'll show you how to use Docker Compose to spin up a microservice cluster on a development machine. We will then perform a series of end-to-end tests without needing to deploy to a test environment.
By the end of the talk we will cover the following topics:
• Implementing service discovery using Docker containers
• How to use a config service to externalize environment configurations
• How to route REST API requests through an API gateway
• Building container images as a part of a Maven build
• How to do end-to-end testing using Docker Compose on a development machine
7:00pm - Jonas Rosland: Scale-out data persistence for all your stateful container needs
7:30pm - Jérôme Petazzoni: Deep dive into Copy-on-Write and Docker storage drivers
The first release of Docker only supported AUFS, and AUFS was available (out of the box) only on Debian and Ubuntu kernel. Then Red Hat wanted Docker to run on its distros, and contributed the Device Mapper driver, and later the BTRFS driver, and recently the overlayfs driver. Docker 1.7 has support for ZFS. We will present how those drivers compare from a high-level perspective, explaining their pros and cons. This will help the audience to make more informed decisions when picking the most appropriate driver for their workloads.Then we will see each driver in action, and look at low-level implementation details. We won't dive into the golang implementation code itself, but we will explain the concepts of each driver. This will help to better understand how they work, and give some hints when it comes to troubleshoot their behavior.
8:00pm - Wrap-up and Social