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Portland JavaScript Admirers' Monthly Meeting

Janrain Inc
519 Southwest 3rd Avenue
Portland, OR 97204, us (map)

fourth floor, basketball court



The monthly meeting of Portland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We host presentations and discussions on everything JavaScript-related - including JavaScript frameworks, node.js, CoffeeScript, and whatever else comes up.

On the agenda for this month:

• A new, post-MVC reference app for comparing frontend frameworks, by Jim Kogler

• Introducing SunshineJS, a frontend framework based on Flux, reactive programming, and type safety, by Jesse Hallett

Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at http://pdxjs.com/.

If you're interested in making a presentation at this or at a future meet-up, please e-mail Jesse Hallett and Jim Kogler.

