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Navigate IT, a Skills Lab for Portland Women in Tech.

308 SW 2nd Ave Fifth Floor
Portland, OR 97204, US (map)
Public WiFi



Register here: http://www.meetup.com/Navigate-IT-a-Skills-Lab-for-Portland-Women-in-Tech/events/223250275/

Ayla Lewis, the Director of Operations at Happy Brain Science is going to lead us in an informative StrengthsFinder session.

In this session we will focus on three strengths areas: - Examining your beliefs about strengths - Discovering your strengths and the strengths of your team - Applying your strengths to increase productivity, creativity and engagement.

In Examine Your Beliefs you will learn about the three strengths myths, as well as their opposing truths. This will help you to modify your beliefs about strengths in ways that will benefit you and your team.

In Discover Strengths, you will participate in a guided self-exploration of your own strengths, weaknesses, and learned behaviors. You will also learn strategies for identifying strengths in others.

In the final portion of the workshop, Act on Strengths, you will learn immediately actionable tips, strategies and steps for using more of your strengths, and the strengths of your team, everyday on the job.

6:00-6:30 food and networking 6:30-8:00 presentation and discussion

This meeting is for women only - Allies please join us for the Sept 17 - Champagne Brunch Launch with Allies
