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Navigate IT, a Skills Lab for Portland Women in Tech.

308 SW 2nd Ave Fifth Floor
Portland, OR 97204, US (map)
Public WiFi



Debugging Impostor Syndrome

Navigate IT is a monthly meetup and skills lab for women in tech.

As a woman in tech, you’re a minority in a culture that desperately needs your voice but often won’t listen. Navigate IT was created to change that! We are creating a supportive community for learning and practicing the skills that get you recognized in your workplace without taking on more work.

We are kicking it off on June 16th with the popular break-out session “Debugging Impostor Syndrome” from the ACT-W conferences in both Portland and Seattle. Impostor Syndrome holds many people back in their careers and affects women more than men. Come learn how to debug your impostor syndrome and get people to take you seriously. In this dynamic and interactive workshop you will:

  • Understand the science behind Impostor Syndrome and why it affects women more than men.
  • Get mind-body tools to overcome Impostor Syndrome.
  • Have the opportunity to join an “Impostor No More” Challenge with other women in tech.

Beverages and refreshments provided

Registration $10 at http://meetu.ps/2JShXG
