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Women Who Code Javascript Study Group and Hack Night (now with more than intro fun!)

PDX Code Guild
2828 SW Corbett Ave
Portland, OR 97201, us (map)

Access Notes

We are upstairs and to the right. Signs will be posted. Call (541) 602-6215 if you need directions.



We will be meeting up for a JavaScript Study Group.

An intro to JavaScript class will be taught for anyone who is looking to get into programming.

There will also be an intermediate group project to work on to hone your skills together. The intermediate group will work on Conway's Game of Life and or Fiz Buzz to tackle some classic coding problems together. Game of Life: http://www.devblogrbmz.com/writing-conways-game-of-life-in-javascript-using-tdd-pt-1/ FizzBuzz: http://www.codecademy.com/courses/fizzbuzz/2/1

Finger food will be provided. Please bring your own laptop or tablet if you would like to come to the JavaScript class. Come for some good company and bring a project to work on. We'll be here to bounce ideas off each other and continue to work out what we would like to run as a community.

See meetup for more links to projects for advanced beginners.

