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Docker Open Source Birthday Hackathon

New Relic
111 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 2700
Portland, Oregon 97204, United States (map)
Public WiFi

Access Notes

Check in at the security desk to get access to the 27th floor. This usually isn't required for official events and meetups.



For Docker's 2nd birthday they've been planning something that we think is pretty amazing and really want the Go community to help make it successful.

During the week of March 23rd, the docker community will be hosting over a dozen open-source-a-thon parties around the world. At these parties the Docker core team and expert developers from the broader open source community will teach and guide participants on how to contribute to open source.

Contributions to the project at these events and in the weeks following will count toward Docker’s donation to the Oceanic Society and its mission to conserve the habitat of Moby Dock and blue whales across the planet.

Contributors can: * Learn how to contribute to open source * Learn Go * Contribute regardless of their technical experience

Contributors will: * Get an awesome "Contributor" T-Shirt (while supplies last) * Help marine wildlife (a donation will be made for every contributor)
* Have a great time * Enjoy cake, food and drinks * Make a difference in the world

The event in Portland will be on March 23rd. You can find more details and RSVP at http://www.meetup.com/Docker-Portland-OR/events/220936451/

Mentors will: * Help people with how to contribute to open source * Help with git * Mentor with code contributions * Get an awesome "Mentor" T-Shirt (while supplies last) * Help marine wildlife (a donation will be made for every mentor)

If you are interested in mentoring then please RSVP on the meetup page and sign up to be a mentor at http://goo.gl/forms/TAFVpnh3K8

There will also be an online event the following week in the event that you are not able to participate in person or would like to help mentor online as well.

More information will be available at http://docker.party in the upcoming days.

Thanks and we hope to see you there!


