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PDXbyte users group (C/C++/Assembly)

Elemental Technologies
225 SW Broadway, Suite 600
Portland, OR 97205, US (map)

Access Notes

Doors to the lobby are locked at 5pm. Check with event organizer for access information.



“Reinventing black boxes”

Description: Open source has a long history of reimplementing, and reverse engineering proprietary tools. This talk will integrate the tools needed to reverse engineer into stories of how it has been done before.

Abstract: There is a constant need to provide open source glue, and alternatives to new technology. Learning how to analyze black boxes frees you from having to wait for someone else to do it. When you solve the puzzle yourself you will really understand how it works.

Reverse engineering is a lot like debugging. There are open source full development stacks including debugging for almost every operating system, and architecture. There are a few other tools you need, but with decades of reinvention the toolbox will usually have everything you need.

Since black boxes aren’t documented it’s impossible to know for sure if you will have the skills you need ahead of time. They are puzzles which might be easy, or hard. Chances are you won’t have to go it alone for long as other people, and whole communities often want the same thing that you do.

Bio: Daniel Johnson is a full stack developer who has been programming since 1990, and focused on Open Source technologies since 2003. Jobs have ranged from telephone tech support to systems administration, and freelance software development. He has spent the most time in the last few years working with Rails, AngularJS, Android, and Arduino. He was the first person to document how to use the intel real sense 3d camera with Linux.

Talk begins at 7, get there early for socializing, pizza and refreshments!

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