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Tell a Better Story: Ignite Change

Nike West Campus
1345 SW Burlington Drive
Beaverton, OR 97006, US (map)

Conference Room: RG2 Windrunner

Take Jay Street from either 158th or Jenkins. Turn onto Burlington, then take the first left. Building is on the right facing 158th.



The DAMA Portland Chapter is dedicated to delivering thought provoking, data-centric presentations that will make you more successful in your job.

If you want to be remembered when you leave the room, tell a story. Gone are the days when people will willingly do something just because you put together a PowerPoint presentation with great facts and logic. This month’s session will teach you how to unite an idea (often your facts and logic) with emotion to help influence others to take on change. Through a series of fun, engaging exercises, learn how to more easily influence stakeholders, peers, and others. No previous storytelling skills required.

About the Presenter

As Founder and CEO of Positive Disruption, Kim LaFever specializes in working with teams in transition. By leveraging the power of team performance tools, the latest research on the science of change, and her leadership experience within Fortune 100 companies, she helps teams navigate change faster, with less stress, more resilience, and better results.

Kim founded Positive Disruption to provide clients with tools and training to help teams improve their quality and speed of delivery, communicate better, move through change more quickly, and stop the madness of “Groundhog Day” where teams seem to have the same meetings over and over again without really getting anywhere.

As a motivational and keynote speaker, Kim delivers presentations and training workshops on communication, leadership, transition and change to large corporations, professional organizations, athletic teams, and community groups.

Registration Required

Please register at the DAMA PDX site (continental breakfast served)

Free for members and employees of corporate members.

$15 for guests to help cover speaker costs and refreshments. See the DAMA PDX site for a list of corporate members.

