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AppNexus Tech Talks: Tools & Useful Techniques for Javascript

AppNexus, Inc.
711 SW Alder St. Suite 400
Portland, OR 97205, us (map)



Members of this group may be interested in a pair of tech talks at AppNexus.

Please RSVP at http://appnexustechtalk.splashthat.com/

Join us on Tuesday, September 30 for this special tech talk and Q&A with AppNexus software engineers Joel Griffith and Tim Santeford, as they take a deep dive into JavaScript tools and techniques. In “Using JavaScript to write JavaScript” Joel will discuss the tools used to build the front-end portion of an application. Tim will focus on writing large command line tools in Node in a talk titled "Conquering with Commander.js."

Doors open at 6:00pm – enjoy some food and beer with us before the program begins at 6:30pm.


6:00 - Doors Open, Food & Drinks 6:30 - Tech Talks with Q&A

7:30 - Drinks Reception

About the Speakers:

Joel Griffith has over 5 years experience in Web Development and has worked for major clients including Nike, Coca Cola, and FaceBook. He has spent the last few years honing his JavaScript skills and maintains a few of his own projects on GitHub. (@joelgriffith)

Tim Santeford has been using node to write production web services and command line tools for about 2 years. He has prior experience writing command line tools in .NET, Shell, Ruby, and PHP but Node quickly became his favorite environment in which to write them.

