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June Meeting: Universal Apps in Windows Phone 8.1 by Kelly White

Intel Hawthorne Farms Building 3 (HF3), Auditorium
5200 NE Elam Young Pkwy
Hillsboro, OR 97124, US (map)



It's been over 18 months since Windows Phone 8 was released and now Windows Phone 8.1 is finally here. However the question still remains, if you weren't previously building for Windows Phone, then why should you care about it now? The first of many answers to this question starts with Universal Apps.

Join me as I walk through building a Universal App for both Windows and Windows Phone. We'll be talking in depth about what they can and can't do, as well as some best practices you should follow. There is lots to talk about and you may have a few questions. Given what time is left, we'll also briefly cover some of the new features such as geofencing, live video editing, and - of course - Cortana. While there won't be enough time to go into depth on each of these, hopefully you will be inspired and walk away with ideas for the apps you can finally build using the tools you love the most!

