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Thing Tuesday

308 SW 2nd Ave Fifth Floor
Portland, OR 97204, US (map)
Public WiFi



We will have Pizza!

Thank you to Keli Foley at Symmetri

They are suppliers of parts and modules for IoT and they have been an awesome supporter of local initiatives in the space. Find her on linkedin and reach out if you need parts and modules for your IoT / M2M projects

Now our speakers!

Dennis Veatch - Industrial Design and IoT

Dennis is an experienced and well known local industrial designer. He has worked on some great local and national products and in this short talk he will share with us his views on manufacture, design and IoT.

Sce Pike - New IoT Startup / Awesome Team

Sce (pronounced SAY) is the CEO of one of the hottest IoT startup's in town at the moment, in this very short session she'll be casting her net out with Thing Tuesday to recruit new team members. Come hear, meet and chat.

George Zamanakos, CEO of Sweet Spot Diabetes

Still waiting to confirm from George, but he has recently been appointed the CEO of Portland startup Sweet Spot Diabetes, which was acquired a few years ago by Dexcom. George will talk about his views and passions around IoT and medical devices and the data they generate.

