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Creating content, managing workflow using digital audio workstation tools such as nanostudio. Designing content using arrangement charts.

OHSU 8B-60 Lecture Bowl
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road
Portland, OR 97239, US (map)

Access Notes

University Hospital South, 8th floor, room 8B-60. It is inside the Hospital building, west of the Emergency Ambulance entrance.

University Hospital South. 8th floor. Located to the east of Emergency entrance. https://www.google.com/maps/preview/@45.499278,-122.68605,3a,90y,129.67h,84.06t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sq6YnEXZK0H2x9_4IsAzNwQ!2e0



Afternoon seminar on the topic of digital audio content creation. Introduction and overview to using digital audio workstation tools such as nanostudio to create/edit/produce audio/visual content. Discussion of using methods such as arrangement charts to design stronger, more powerful content.

Joint event put on by IEEE Oregon chapter of CSS/IMS society & Experimental Electronica / Future Music meetup. http://www.meetup.com/experimental-electronica-future-music/events/165048272/

