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Monday, January 20, 2014 at 10:57pm and last updated
Monday, January 20, 2014 at 11:06pm.
Mobile Portland: Build Businesses, Not Apps
The software world has been turned on its head and all the rules that were once taken for granted are now obsolete. Elia has developed new rules for modern mobile apps, learning from his 17 years of running an indie company and transitioning from the old to the new.
Elia Freedman is the founder and CEO of Infinity Softworks. During his 17 years running an indie mobile software company, Elia has navigated the transition from Newtons to PalmPilots to Windows Mobile, BlackBerry, iOS and Android. The rules of making money in mobile has changed drastically in the past five years, let alone the past 17.
Elia's business is changing, too. In this presentation, "Build Businesses, Not Apps," Elia will share the thinking that has led to his own business transition, leaving you with plenty to think about in the New Year.
About Elia Freedman
Elia Freedman is the founder and CEO of Infinity Softworks, which was started in 1997. His primary product line, powerOne software calculators, have been downloaded over 20 million times on platforms as varied as iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Palm OS and Windows Mobile. In addition Infinity Softworks' calculator engine has powered apps for DEWALT Tools, The College Board, Garmin, Sony, GE, Johnson & Johnson and more. You can follow his writings at eliainsider.com or on Twitter @eliajf.