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Sunday, January 19, 2014 at 11:11am and last updated
Thursday, March 27, 2014 at 7:41am.
Making Money with Mobile
This panel will focus on making money from mobile apps. Two great speakers:
Clint Bowers: A designer, strategist and Founder of Stripe Marketing. Clint launched his first mobile app last month. He did it as an experiment. He gave himself one week from start to finish to get his first app published. This app now has over 200,000 downloads and Clint is making $20 a day off his app. Not bad for a first attempt. Clint wants to share his first-timer insights.
Patrick Thompson: The Founder at Inkstone Mobile and Co-founder at Phase4 Mobile. Patrick is a developer and marketer who 5 years ago started developing mobile apps full-time and has since had over 7 million app downloads. He has 13 apps on the app store including eBook Search, Audiobooks HQ, MegaReader, and QuickReader. Recently he co-founded Phase4 Mobile that will soon be launching a series of sleep-related apps. He has been living off his "App Family" for years and has some interesting mobile money making lessons to share.
6 - 6:25 Food, beer, networking
6:25 - 7:25 Panel presentations with Q&A
7:30 Launch party drinks at On Deck Sports Bar (across the street from the panel)