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Weekly Craft & Social night at PAZ - Terrarium Skillshare

Portland Autonomous Zone
1625 SE woodward
Portland, OR 97206, US (map)

Portland Autonomous Zone formed in Jan. 2013 and aims to be a hub for bike fun and DIY sub-culture. It’s a place to create just about anything from welding to recording studio. We have 5 workbenches now (3 in garage, 1 electronic bench, and a sewing bench! Something like a Moose Lodge for makers with focus on bikes. It’s not a for profit business, somebody’s house, or run by a bike club. It’s a members supported space and run by members. Members can go at any hour and turn on an air compressor, cut metal, hammer, or just listen to your music loud while you get bike crafty. We even have a shower, kitchenette, 2 bathrooms, and are close-in.



Some of you might know the ever crafty Sara Collins, we talked her into heading up a Terrarium series for Nov. craft nights at PAZ.

Sara is bringing extra supplies by donation. If you don't have a glass container we will have some extra we got from bins by donation, just let us know so we have enough.

Most of all this will be fun and crafty. So bring your happy face and tiny plants.

If you have old records bring them by, as a few people just hangout and play games listening to records.


