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RailsConf KeyNote LiveStream

New Relic
111 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 2700
Portland, Oregon 97204, United States (map)
Public WiFi

Access Notes

Check in at the security desk to get access to the 27th floor. This usually isn't required for official events and meetups.

The big pink, 28th floor!



We've had a great time in the last few conferences we've streamed live: Ruby on Ales, and the Mountain West Ruby Conference. So we're doing it again for Railsconf next week.

If you weren't able to get a ticket to Railsconf before it sold out, join us at the New Relic office in the Big Pink, on the 28th floor. We'll have beer and voodoo donuts, and a great view of the city.

Please let me know (jade@newrelic.com) if you plan to attend!

Railsconf isn't streaming the whole conference, so only the keynotes will be available. Here are the times:

Monday 4/29 at 10-11:10 am: DHH Monday 4/29 at 5:50-7pm: ?

Tuesday 4/30 at 10-11:10 am: Yehuda Katz

Wednesday 10-11:10 am at 4-5:30 PM Wednesday 10-11:10 am at 5:45-7 PM

Thursday 5/2 at 2-3:30 pm: Aaron Patterson


