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AgilePDX Downtown Pub Lunch: Estimating Techniques and Tactics

McMenamins Ringlers Pub
1332 W Burnside St.
Portland, Oregon 97209, US (map)
Public WiFi



Estimating stories, sprint commitments, and releases--estimating in general--remains a real bugaboo for all teams. Agile teams have different approaches to estimating. What's worked best for your team?

Has your team come to consider estimating "waste?" How do you make that work in your environment? What's your rationale and how does it test out in practice?

Come share your techniques, tactics, strategies, and war stories with colleagues over lunch. Same bat time, same bat station. See you there.

And, hey, we're about to bust our seams again. If you ping [email protected] or the AgilePDX list that you're coming, it can help us help the restaurant to provide fast service and the best possible layout for the tables. RSVP's appreciated NOT required.

