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Portland Indie Game Squad General Meeting

Portland State University - Lincoln Hall Room 121
1620 SW Park Ave
Portland, OR 97201, US (map)



Time for another PIGSquad general meeting! Join us to talk about indie game endeavors everywhere!

At this meeting, we'll be revisiting PIGSquad's October and early November activities, including Pixel Arts' Guts for Glory Game Summit, an Art/Code Night, and Orycon! As for future events and projects, be prepared to discuss the PIGSquad arcade cabinet, ideas for future jams, and ideas for future get-togethers (such as idea pitch parties, panel-viewing "movie nights," brainstorming half-jams, and more)! Also come prepared to show off your projects, ask for help on projects, and see what others are working on!

E-mail us at pigsquad at gmail dot com if you have any questions!

