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Monday, May 14, 2012 at 12:45pm and last updated
Tuesday, May 15, 2012 at 1:29pm.
PDX Selenium User Group: Beyond the Page Object Pattern
I would love to present and share my ideas around how to go beyond the Page Object Pattern to increase maintainability, stability and performance of Selenium automation. Specific topics could include the importance of an abstraction layer between your page objects and selenium itself, some things you can do in that abstraction layer to handle or work around some (in my opinion) not very friendly Selenium behaviors, more specific rules/processes for helper functions in your page objects, when to make exceptions to the Page Object Pattern, etc. I'll have to probably slim it down to a few topics to fit in the time frame. Lastly, I'll share a story about one of the things I am least well known for, which is being the original creator of the Page Object Pattern while working on a UI automation framework internal to Microsoft. Imagine my surprise when I left Microsoft and started getting involved with Selenium and saw a derivative of my Page Object Pattern being used all over the place! :-)