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TiE Oregon Mobile event featuring Tyfone, Lynksnap and Meridian

Stoel Rives LLP
900 SW Fifth Ave., Suite 2600
Portland, OR 97204, US (map)



Mobile Marketplace: What are the niches in the mobile marketplace for entrepreneurs? How can start-ups profit from mobile innovation? We will explore the opportunities and challenges in 3 sectors - Mobile Commerce, Mobile Marketing and Location Based Services. Join cutting-edge innovators and leading executives to find out about what they are working on and the latest trends and issues for companies in the mobile space. Participating companies will be giving live demos to engage the audience, so be sure to attend the event. We will also be offering a 10% discount on membership at the event.
Some interesting facts about the companies that will be participating in the event: Tyfone: 2011 Mobile Merit Award Winner for Mobile Payments and Commerce. Has patents for innovative mobile electronic wallet technology. Lynksnap: The company created QR codes for Dabball, the worl's first digital art gallery that sells archival-quality artist prints by way of art-inspired dexterity games. The event was launched on September 1, 2011 at the First Thursday Art Walk in the Pearl of Portland, Oregon. LynkSnap created QR codes using each artist's work to launch the site, where fans could play dexterity games and enjoy unique art from around the world. Meridian: Want to navigate Powell's Books with ease? Meridian is the first mobile platform for accessing information and turn-by-turn directions for multiple locations. The Panel will include the following speakers: Jeff Lorton, Lynksnap (custom branded QR and UPC codes) Siva Narendra, Tyfone (mobile financial solutions company) Kiyo Kubo, Meridian (mobile platform for accessing information and turn-by-turn directions for multiple locations) Moderator: Jose Puthenkulam: Tata Consultancy Services, North America. Reception: Join us for Pizza, Salad and Beverages. Meet other members, people from the mobile community, technology leaders and investors.

Registration required: Fees: Online: Members $15, Student Members $10, Guests $25 At the Door: Members $20, Student Members $15, Guests $30
