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RBXDay Ruby/Rubinius Hackathon

PIE: Portland Incubator Experiment
1227 NW Davis Street
Portland, OR 97209, US (map)
Public WiFi



A global day of Rubinius performance testing, bug reporting, community strengthening and super awesome fun times!

Come join Geoloqi at the Portland Incubator Experiment and spend a day testing your ruby code with Rubinius! We will have tools to benchmark and load test your ruby web applications, which you can use to determine how well your app runs on Rubinius (or any other ruby interpreter). We will be providing any bug reports and results to the Rubinius team, which will go towards helping their development efforts.

There are also plans to document an extensive suite of benchmarks and load tests for all the major ruby web servers (Webrick, Mongrel, Thin, Rainbows, etc), with a focus on testing concurrency and determining which servers work best on Rubinius.

There will be food and good beer provided! Feel free to bring snacks.

