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Awesome Mobile Web Tools and Frameworks — Mobile Portland

334 NW 11th Avenue
Portland, OR 97209, US (map)

Access Notes

Front door on 11th; venues may have access through large garage door on Flanders



Interested in building apps using core web technology—HTML5, Javascript and CSS?

Then you don’t want to miss Mobile Portland this month as we take a look at three awesome tools and frameworks for mobile web development.

We’re pleased to welcome James Pearce, Brian LeRoux and Patrick Mueller to Portland. They’ve graciously agreed to take time out from their busy OSCON schedules to talk to us about:

  • World Premiere! Client-side data-bound mobile charting with Sencha Touch
  • Cloud-based app binaries using PhoneGap Build.
  • Weinre: a remote debugger for web pages on mobile device.

If you’re doing any mobile web development work, these are tools you need to know about. And given the number of apps that include embedded web views, it means nearly everyone is doing some sort of mobile web development.

Special OSCON Note

Mobile Portland is a free monthly meeting open to anyone. If you are in town for OSCON, please feel free to join us. All that we ask is that you RSVP so we know how many chairs we need.

You can take the MAX train for free from the convention center and then take a short walk (.4 mi) to the meeting location.

If you’re a Portlander who isn’t attending OSCON, you should! Not only is the largest open source conference, but there are mobile tracks with detailed presentations from Patrick Mueller and two of Brian LeRoux’s Nitobi colleagues.

About the Speakers

Brian LeRoux, Nitobi SPACELORD!1!!, PhoneGap Contributor, Mobile Web Enthusiast, Tolerant of JavaScript, Trucker Mouth

Brian LeRoux is the lead at Nitobi Software with the prestigious title SPACELORD!1!! He also has the dubious distinction of being the creator of despite a twisted love for the language of the web. To make matters worse he actually has a non-breaking space tattoo.

Aside all these ridiculous distractions he is also responsible for leading the direction on the wildly popular PhoneGap software project that has the audacious goal to provide a web platform complete with device APIs for all smartphone operating systems.

James Pearce, Senior Director of Developer Relations, Sencha

James is a technologist, writer, developer & entrepreneur who has been working with the mobile web for over a decade. He is Senior Director of Developer Relations at Sencha. Previously he was the CTO at dotMobi and has a background in mobile startups, telecoms infrastructure and management consultancy.

He speaks extensively on the topic of mobile web development, and has written books for both Wiley and Wrox.James led the development of mobiForge, DeviceAtlas and, and is the creator of tinySrc, the WordPress Mobile Pack, and WhitherApps. He has declared every year since 1997 to be "The Year of the Mobile Web" - and feels like he might finally be right.

Patrick Mueller, WebKit contributor, IBM

Patrick Mueller is a software developer at IBM in the Research Triangle Park area of North Carolina. He’s been working on web software and mobile software for a long time. Don’t ask how long, unless you want to hear about how great it was to use Smalltalk for web and mobile software development.

Thanks to our Sponsors

Thanks to azad and Urban Airship for helping sponsor Mobile Portland this month.

