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Monday, March 28, 2011 at 9:52pm.
Monday, March 28, 2011 at 9:52pm.
Commodore Computer Club
You can expect to see the following hardware, software and game cartridges at the April 1, 2011 Commodore Users Group and Computer Club meeting:
MSD SD-2 Super Disk Drive (22 second verified backups) Amiga CDTV Commodore Dynamic Total Vision Commodore 64 (breadbox) computer 50+ C64 arcade game and utility cartridges Commodore VIC-20 computer 20+ VIC 20 video game cartridges C64 Direct-to-TV C64DTV designed by Jeri Ellsworth 100+ floppy disks with various games, programs, and utilities Commodore SX-64 (Executive 64) computer If you have any Commodore hardware or software, bring it along. There is always plenty of room, tables and electrical outlets.