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Portland R User Group Meetup



Portland R User Group

Main talk: "Getting Started with R" M. Edward (Ed) Borasky

Lightning talk: "R in the Wild: Qmedtrix" Homer Strong

Social hour (following talks): Le Hana Japanese Bar & Grill 3500 SW River Parkway

Talk descriptions:

"Getting Started with R" will cover:

Downloading and installing R from CRAN on Windows, Mac or Linux.
Linux includes openSUSE, Ubuntu and Fedora. Running a few demos. The structure of CRAN. Where the documentation is on an installed system. The RSeek search engine.

Mr. Borasky will also have .ISO files of his R-based openSUSE appliance, which is at http://borasky-research.net/about-smartznmeb/. If you bring blank DVDs, copies can be burned for you. At the moment it has R, GGobi, Mondrian, Rcmdr and a bunch of natural language processing / text mining software, both in R and otherwise, and will also have the Spatial and ReproducibleResearch task views by the meeting. It will run on a 32-bit PC but may not support everyone's WiFi hardware.

"R in the Wild: Qmedtrix" is the first of a (hopefully) recurring series of "R in the Wild" talks that explore how R is actually being used in various companies and organizations in the Portland area. Qmedtrix is "the health care reimbursement decision expert in the workers' compensation, group health and auto medical markets."

Speaker bios:

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky is a freelance developer / engineer specializing in applied mathematics / statistics, social media analytics research and Linux performance engineering / capacity planning. He has created Linux appliances for social media analytics research and algorithmic composition and synthesis of music. His hobby is collecting hobbies.

Homer Strong is a research & development engineer at Qmedtrix Systems Inc. He enjoys reading through the R base package and avocado milkshakes.

Portland, OR 97239 - USA

Tuesday, September 21 at 7:00 PM

Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/a/7/7/e/event_16962878.jpeg

Details: http://www.meetup.com/portland-r-user-group/calendar/14457932/
