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Oregon PES Meeting - Energy Gateway Transmission Project



IEEE Oregon Section Power & Energy Society Chapter Meeting

Subject: Energy Gateway Transmission Project Speaker: Mr. Darrell Gerrard, Vice President, PacifiCorp Time/Date : May 18, 2010 - 12:30 to 1:30 PM Location: Conference Room A&B - Third floor of 700 NE Multnomah Blvd - Portland, Oregon


PacifiCorp launched Energy Gateway, an ambitious transmission expansion program that will add more than 1,900 miles of new transmission lines across the West(345kV & 500kV). The multibillion-dollar investment plan includes projects that will address customers’ increasing electric energy use, improve system reliability and deliver wind and other renewable generation resources to more customers throughout PacifiCorp’s six-state service area and the Western United States.


Darrell Gerrard is vice president transmission system planning at PacifiCorp. He was appointed to this position in May 2007 and is responsible for the significant planning, budgeting and delivery of the company’s major transmission efforts. He is the primary technical interface with external transmission parties leading the compliance with the new NERC reliability standards. Additionally, he manages the company’s transmission planning activities for existing transmission assets.

The Portland chapter of PES meetings will be held every third Tuesday of the month. These Meetings will be held at the Lloyd 700 Building, 700 NE Multnomah Boulevard, third floor meeting room A&B. Meetings will start at 12:30 PM and will last for one hour. Also, attending these meetings can be used as equivalent to one PDH for members who need to keep up their professional engineering licenses. You may go to http://www.ieee-or.org/ site and select events for future PES meeting notices.

Speaker(s): Mr. Darrell Gerrard, Vice President, PacifiCorp,

Agenda: Meeting: 12:30-1:30 pm

Location: Room: Third floor - Conference Room A&B Bldg: Lloyd 700 Building 700 NE Multnomah Blvd Portland
