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How to Make your Biznik Stand Out in the Social Media World

George Fox University
12753 SW 68th Ave.
Portland, Oregon, United States (map)



Do you find yourself asking the following questions or similar ones about Biznik:

* What is Biznik and why do I need it?
* How do I turn my Biznik profile into a dynamic interactive site?
* How does Biznik bring me business?
* How does Biznik help me develop better relationships with my community?
* How do I create a group Biznik and how will it benefit my business?
* Why should I be writing articles on Biznik?
* Should I be using pictures and video, and if so how?
* What type of membership should I get and why?

Biznik don't have to be a struggle to master! Your profile page can be its own website, and can provide you the opportunity to develop dynamic online relationships with other Bizniks that translates into business that comes into your door!

What are you missing out on if you aren't using your Biznik profile? Access to one of the best small business resources around, as well as the opportunity to work other business owners who know what you're going through. If you don't have an active Biznik profile, you won't be able to get in front of them in a meaningful way.

What: 3-hour Biznik workshop.

When: May 18th 2010, 1-5 pm

Where: Portland

Cost: $120
