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Mobile Portland: The Android Market -- Google's App Store Alternative

107 SE Washington St., Suite 520
Portland, Oregon 97214, US (map)
Public WiFi



NOTE: Moved to Tuesday because of Memorial Day

  Speaker: Isaac Potoczny-Jones 

  Everyone has heard the stories about the iPhone's App Store and the success some developers are finding selling iPhone applications. What people know less about is Google's Android Market which started allowing people to sell applications in February.

  Learn about the similarities and difference between the Android Market and the iPhone App Store. Take a look at what's selling and the opportunities that will come as more Android-based handsets reach the market. 

   About Isaac 
  Isaac is a Haskell hacker, cyclist, Android hacker, and employee of Galois, Inc in Portland, OR. He has a few apps on the Android Market and is involved in the OpenIntents project.

  Isaac will share his experience trying to sell applications on the Marketplace, the challenges involved, and where the opportunities lie.
