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Monday, February 23, 2009 at 10:56am and last updated
Monday, February 23, 2009 at 3:35pm.
SAOpdx: Keeping Happy Customers Across the Global Quilt: Proper Methods for Localization Testing
[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899649/ ] When doing business around the world, a poorly translated product at best could make your customers and business partners think you don't value them. At worst, you may be sending the wrong message about your product and not even know it. For example, would you buy a car called "it won't go"? Chevy learned that the hard way when it marketed its "Nova" vehicle in Latin America. When we speak of localization, we refer to it as the process of adapting an internationalized product to a particular culture or locale. Before shipping the localized product to a particular market, it is imperative to make sure it is not beset with inconsistent quality. Planning for a full round of localization testing will give you that peace of mind. In this presentation, we will look at some examples of some major translation mistakes (some funny, some not!). We will also take an introductory approach to the best practices with localization testing. Presenters: Stacey Brown, Director, Managed Services Division, PTI Global Christian Larsen, Localization QA Manager, PTI Global #SAOpdx #QASIG #QA #webinar