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3-Day Advanced Ultimate SEO Mastery Workshop

Kingstad Center
15450 SW Millikan Way
Beaverton, OR 97006, US (map)



Build high performance Internet marketing skills with maximum impact in a limited amount of time. Classes teach a six-step, stress-free approach to Search Engine Optimization. Come to one of our workshops and learn techniques that will not only increase your traffic but convert that traffic into more sales.

Join us January 22nd for the 2-day Essentials, January 28th for the 3-day Advanced or all five days for the Comprehensive Workshop on Search Engine Optimization and Internet Marketing techniques.

Sign-up January 14th or before get up to a $200 discount off of the January Workshops.

These workshops have limited enrollment and fill up fast so register now!

About your instructor:

Colleen Wright is owner of the Interactive marketing agency Response Interactive LLC. Colleen’s career has spanned a variety of industries from banking and finance to seminar marketing, sports marketing, high tech, non-profit and horticulture. She designed her first website in 1997 for a clipart product series she developed. The clip art series named GardenArtz Gardening Clipart continues to be a bestseller in American Nurseryman Catalog.

As an associate of Search Engine Academy, Colleen teaches Search Engine Marketing through the Search Engine Academy of Oregon. Colleen is also on the Education Committee for the Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO) and attends local and national professional development events regularly.

Response Interactive LLC is an interactive marketing agency that offers search engine optimized web site design, search engine marketing services both PPC and SEO, online display advertising, email marketing, SEO training and consulting services. For more information, please visit

Who should attend:
• In-House Marketers
• Business Owners
• Direct Marketers
• Public Relations Professionals
• Real Estate Professional
• Web Designers

      <div id="priceline">
    <span id="price">Ticket Info: $895 - $2,195</span><a href="" id="buy-tickets">Buy Tickets</a>      </div>

