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Luz Code Sprint -- Music Visualization in Ruby

CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009]

This venue is no longer open for business.

622 SE Grand Ave.
Portland, Oregon 97214, USA (map)
Public WiFi




I'm happy to announce the third Luz Code Sprint, happening this Thursday the 18th, 5-9pm at CubeSpace.

Luz is a Ruby music visualization playground, aiming to create a simple, beautiful GUI for artists, and simple, beautiful code for us! (I heart Ruby!!)

This event is open to EVERYONE, from coders to artists to musicians, everyone's input and contributions will be super useful.

I'm especially eager to see:

  • 2d sketch artists
  • OpenGL enthusiasts
  • Cairo enthusiasts

So please don't hesitate to invite your friends! :)

I'll bring all my gear for people to play with: a wacom tablet, a console with gobs of dials and knobs, a gamepad, and hopefully we'll be able to hook up to the projector.

Join us this Thursday! I really hope to see you there!


p.s. if you want to try out Luz ahead of time, it's super easy. In Ubuntu:

1) sudo apt-get install bzr ruby1.8 libgtk2-ruby libglade2-ruby libgtkglext1-ruby librmagick-ruby1.8 libcairo-ruby libsdl-ruby1.8 2) bzr branch https://code.launchpad.net/~ian-mcintosh/luz/trunk luz 3) ./luz_editor.rb
