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Tuesday, August 5, 2008 at 7:59am.
From Side Project to Startup
This venue is no longer open for business.
The seeds for 'From Side Project to Startup' were sown at a session of early May's Bar Camp Portland. The conference generated a good amount of buzz, and brought up more questions than the time could answer.
On September 12 and 13, 'From Side Project to Startup' will focus on the resources, planning, and above all initiative needed to make idle thoughts, plots, plans, and what-ifs come to fruition.
The event is crystallized around several 'seeded' sessions, but the BarCamp-style 'unconference' sessions led by participants are the meat-and-potatoes of the weekend.
You'll notice the schedule includes a lot of 'schmooze,' snack, break and party time. With this as well as the unconference time to meet and discuss with people, it's a goal of 'From Side Project to Startup' that a network of interested startups will form to provide each other with peer support and accountability. You can do it, keep going!
As always, Legion of Tech events are free to participants, so please come share, experience, and enjoy the community we're all part of.