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Mobile Portland: Firefox for Mobile Devices

PSU Business Accelerator
2828 SW Corbett Ave
Portland, OR 97201, US (map)



Curious what the future holds for everyone's favorite open source browser? Want to know more about how it is being modified to work on mobile devices?

Development of a mobile version of Firefox is moving apace. Dietrich Ayala will talk about how it's being propelled by the major advances in performance and memory consumption in Firefox 3, and how the user interface elements of Firefox are being reinvented for size- and input-constrained devices.

Dietrich Ayala works as a Senior Software Engineer for Mozilla, and has been spending altogether too much time on bookmarks, tagging and history in Firefox 3.

Mobile Portland is local user group focused on mobile development. We gather on the fourth Monday of every month for presentations, discussion and networking.

Because of memorial day, the May meeting will be held on TUESDAY. The May meeting topic is to be determined.

If you're interested, sign up to receive notices about our meetings or join our Mobile Portland Google Group.
