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Change #6139

update Calagator::Event 1250459871 DASH 3 Portland Roll back

description From fictitious graveyards to s'mores designed in morse code to music clips containing a hidden message, anything is possible to encounter when playing in the third DASH (Different Area – Same Hunt) puzzle hunt. Portland-area teams can now register for DASH, an amazing day-long game of original puzzles, at DASH 3 will be held in Portland on April 30th, 2011, starting at 10:00am. A puzzle hunt, a unique type of treasure hunt, is a fun, interactive, outdoor event in which teams of players race to find and solve creative puzzles hidden in different locations. The DASH puzzle hunt is simulcast across the country on the same day, with 700 participants and 40 organizers. The inaugural DASH in September 2009 spanned 8 cities. DASH 3 is currently being planned in 12 participating cities: Austin, Boston, Chicago, Davis (CA), Los Angeles, New York, Portland, San Diego, San Mateo (Bay Area), Santa Rosa (CA), Seattle, and Washington (DC). DASH teams consist of two to five people, and all levels of puzzle enthusiasts are encouraged to play – There will be a generous hint system for those who are stumped, and players can call “Game Control” at any time for explicit help and assistance. No car is needed, as all locations will be accessible on foot. The Portland DASH organizers also produce the popular local monthly Puzzled Pint ( events. From fictitious graveyards to s'mores designed in morse code to music clips containing a hidden message, anything is possible to encounter when playing in the third DASH (Different Area – Same Hunt) puzzle hunt. Portland-area teams can now register for DASH, an amazing day-long game of original puzzles, at DASH 3 will be held in Portland on April 30th, 2011, starting at 10:00am. A puzzle hunt, a unique type of treasure hunt, is a fun, interactive, outdoor event in which teams of players race to find and solve creative puzzles hidden in different locations. The DASH puzzle hunt is simulcast across the country on the same day, with 700 participants and 40 organizers. The inaugural DASH in September 2009 spanned 8 cities. DASH 3 is currently being planned in 12 participating cities: Austin, Boston, Chicago, Davis (CA), Los Angeles, New York, Portland, San Diego, San Mateo (Bay Area), Santa Rosa (CA), Seattle, and Washington (DC). DASH teams consist of two to five people, and all levels of puzzle enthusiasts are encouraged to play – There will be a generous hint system for those who are stumped, and players can call “Game Control” at any time for explicit help and assistance. No car is needed, as all locations will be accessible on foot. The Portland DASH organizers also produce the popular local monthly Puzzled Pint ( events.
locked nil false
Change #6138

create Calagator::Event 1250459871 DASH 3 Portland Roll back

description nil From fictitious graveyards to s'mores designed in morse code to music clips containing a hidden message, anything is possible to encounter when playing in the third DASH (Different Area – Same Hunt) puzzle hunt. Portland-area teams can now register for DASH, an amazing day-long game of original puzzles, at DASH 3 will be held in Portland on April 30th, 2011, starting at 10:00am. A puzzle hunt, a unique type of treasure hunt, is a fun, interactive, outdoor event in which teams of players race to find and solve creative puzzles hidden in different locations. The DASH puzzle hunt is simulcast across the country on the same day, with 700 participants and 40 organizers. The inaugural DASH in September 2009 spanned 8 cities. DASH 3 is currently being planned in 12 participating cities: Austin, Boston, Chicago, Davis (CA), Los Angeles, New York, Portland, San Diego, San Mateo (Bay Area), Santa Rosa (CA), Seattle, and Washington (DC). DASH teams consist of two to five people, and all levels of puzzle enthusiasts are encouraged to play – There will be a generous hint system for those who are stumped, and players can call “Game Control” at any time for explicit help and assistance. No car is needed, as all locations will be accessible on foot. The Portland DASH organizers also produce the popular local monthly Puzzled Pint ( events.
end_time nil 2011-04-30 13:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250459871
source_id nil 996334516
start_time nil 2011-04-30 10:00:00 -0700
title nil DASH 3 Portland
venue_id nil 202392403
Change #6137

create Calagator::Venue 202392403 DASH 3 Portland Roll back

country nil United States
events_count nil 1
id nil 202392403
latitude nil 45.5118
locality nil Portland
longitude nil -122.676
region nil Oregon
source_id nil 996334516
street_address nil SW 5th and SW Yamhil
title nil DASH 3 Portland
Change #6136

update Calagator::Venue 202392402 Portland Memorial Coliseum Roll back

closed nil false
events_count nil 1
street_address 300 North Winning Way Portland 300 North Winning Way
wifi nil false
Change #6135

update Calagator::Venue 202392402 Portland Memorial ColiseumPortland Memorial Coliseum Roll back

address 300 North Winning Way Portland, OR 97208
description FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) seeks to inspire an appreciation of science and technology among young people, ultimately motivating them to pursue opportunities in science, technology and engineering. The FIRST Robotics Competition is an exciting, multinational competition that teams professionals and young people to solve an engineering design problem in an intense and competitive way. The regional competition is an annual event that challenges high school students to design, build, and program a robot that competes in live action to measure the effectiveness of each robot and the power of team strategy/collaboration. Following a kick-off announcement in January, all teams have only six weeks to brainstorm and build their robots – robots are designed to compete with one another using the same kit of parts and standard set of rules. Top winners go on to compete in national trials. The competitions are high-tech spectator sporting events, the result of lots of focused brainstorming, real-world teamwork, dedicated mentoring, project timelines, and deadlines.
email [email protected]
telephone 1-800-871-8326 ext. 0
title Portland Memorial ColiseumPortland Memorial Coliseum Portland Memorial Coliseum
Change #6134

update Calagator::Event 1250459863 Arduino Meetup Roll back

description <img src="" style="width: 100px; float: right"/> We'll be: ⁃ Showing off Arduino-based projects we've finished ⁃ Coding & working on current projects ⁃ Helping debug each others' software and hardware ⁃ Explaining the basics: volts, amps, resistance, breadboards, etc. Suggestions: ⁃ Order an Arduino Uno if you don't already have one. ⁃ Buy some basic components if you don't have them yet. More info on the website. Questions? We'll be: ⁃ Showing off Arduino-based projects we've finished ⁃ Coding & working on current projects ⁃ Helping debug each others' software and hardware ⁃ Explaining the basics: volts, amps, resistance, breadboards, etc. Suggestions: ⁃ Order an Arduino Uno if you don't already have one. ⁃ Buy some basic components if you don't have them yet. More info on the website. Questions? <img src="" style="width: 100px; float: right"/>
locked nil false
Change #6133

update Calagator::Event 1250459863 Arduino Meetup Roll back

description <img src="" style="float: right"/> We'll be: ⁃ Showing off Arduino-based projects we've finished ⁃ Coding & working on current projects ⁃ Helping debug each others' software and hardware ⁃ Explaining the basics: volts, amps, resistance, breadboards, etc. Suggestions: ⁃ Order an Arduino Uno if you don't already have one. ⁃ Buy some basic components if you don't have them yet. More info on the website. Questions? <img src="" style="width: 100px; float: right"/> We'll be: ⁃ Showing off Arduino-based projects we've finished ⁃ Coding & working on current projects ⁃ Helping debug each others' software and hardware ⁃ Explaining the basics: volts, amps, resistance, breadboards, etc. Suggestions: ⁃ Order an Arduino Uno if you don't already have one. ⁃ Buy some basic components if you don't have them yet. More info on the website. Questions?
Change #6132

update Calagator::Event 1250459863 Arduino Meetup Roll back

description We'll be: ⁃ Showing off Arduino-based projects we've finished ⁃ Coding & working on current projects ⁃ Helping debug each others' software and hardware ⁃ Explaining the basics: volts, amps, resistance, breadboards, etc. Suggestions: ⁃ Order an Arduino Uno if you don't already have one. ⁃ Buy some basic components if you don't have them yet. More info on the website. Questions? <img src="" style="float: right"/> We'll be: ⁃ Showing off Arduino-based projects we've finished ⁃ Coding & working on current projects ⁃ Helping debug each others' software and hardware ⁃ Explaining the basics: volts, amps, resistance, breadboards, etc. Suggestions: ⁃ Order an Arduino Uno if you don't already have one. ⁃ Buy some basic components if you don't have them yet. More info on the website. Questions?
Change #6131

update Calagator::Venue 202392402 Portland Memorial ColiseumPortland Memorial Coliseum Roll back

address nil 300 North Winning Way Portland, OR 97208
country nil US
description nil FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) seeks to inspire an appreciation of science and technology among young people, ultimately motivating them to pursue opportunities in science, technology and engineering. The FIRST Robotics Competition is an exciting, multinational competition that teams professionals and young people to solve an engineering design problem in an intense and competitive way. The regional competition is an annual event that challenges high school students to design, build, and program a robot that competes in live action to measure the effectiveness of each robot and the power of team strategy/collaboration. Following a kick-off announcement in January, all teams have only six weeks to brainstorm and build their robots – robots are designed to compete with one another using the same kit of parts and standard set of rules. Top winners go on to compete in national trials. The competitions are high-tech spectator sporting events, the result of lots of focused brainstorming, real-world teamwork, dedicated mentoring, project timelines, and deadlines.
email nil [email protected]
latitude nil 45.5333
locality nil Portland
longitude nil -122.6674
postal_code nil 97208
region nil OR
street_address nil 300 North Winning Way Portland
telephone nil 1-800-871-8326 ext. 0
url nil
Change #6130

create Calagator::Event 1250459870 Autodesk Oregon Regional Robotics Competition Roll back

description nil FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) seeks to inspire an appreciation of science and technology among young people, ultimately motivating them to pursue opportunities in science, technology and engineering. The FIRST Robotics Competition is an exciting, multinational competition that teams professionals and young people to solve an engineering design problem in an intense and competitive way. The regional competition is an annual event that challenges high school students to design, build, and program a robot that competes in live action to measure the effectiveness of each robot and the power of team strategy/collaboration. Following a kick-off announcement in January, all teams have only six weeks to brainstorm and build their robots – robots are designed to compete with one another using the same kit of parts and standard set of rules. Top winners go on to compete in national trials. The competitions are high-tech spectator sporting events, the result of lots of focused brainstorming, real-world teamwork, dedicated mentoring, project timelines, and deadlines. download flyer pdf:
end_time nil 2011-03-26 16:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250459870
start_time nil 2011-03-25 08:45:00 -0700
title nil Autodesk Oregon Regional Robotics Competition
url nil
venue_id nil 202392402
Change #6129

create Calagator::Venue 202392402 Portland Memorial ColiseumPortland Memorial Coliseum Roll back

id nil 202392402
title nil Portland Memorial ColiseumPortland Memorial Coliseum
Change #6128

update Calagator::Event 1250459863 Arduino Meetup Roll back

description We'll be: ⁃ Showing off Arduino-based projects we've finished ⁃ Coding & working on current projects ⁃ Helping debug each others' software and hardware ⁃ Explaining the basics: volts, amps, resistance, breadboards, etc. Suggestions: ⁃ Order an Arduino Uno if you don't already have one. ⁃ Buy some basic components if you don't have them yet. More info on the website. Questions? [email protected] We'll be: ⁃ Showing off Arduino-based projects we've finished ⁃ Coding & working on current projects ⁃ Helping debug each others' software and hardware ⁃ Explaining the basics: volts, amps, resistance, breadboards, etc. Suggestions: ⁃ Order an Arduino Uno if you don't already have one. ⁃ Buy some basic components if you don't have them yet. More info on the website. Questions?
Change #6127

update Calagator::Event 1250459863 Arduino Meetup Roll back

description We'll be: ⁃ Showing off Arduino-based projects we've finished ⁃ Coding & working on current projects ⁃ Helping debug others' projects ⁃ Explaining the basics: volts, amps, resistance, breadboards, etc. Suggestions: ⁃ Order an Arduino Uno if you don't already have one. ⁃ Buy some basic components if you don't have them yet. More info on the website. Questions? [email protected] We'll be: ⁃ Showing off Arduino-based projects we've finished ⁃ Coding & working on current projects ⁃ Helping debug each others' software and hardware ⁃ Explaining the basics: volts, amps, resistance, breadboards, etc. Suggestions: ⁃ Order an Arduino Uno if you don't already have one. ⁃ Buy some basic components if you don't have them yet. More info on the website. Questions? [email protected]
Change #6126

update Calagator::Event 1250459863 Arduino Meetup Roll back

description We'll be: ⁃ Showing off Arduino-based projects we're working on ⁃ Simply coding & working on our own things ⁃ Helping debug others' projects ⁃ Explaining the basics: volts, amps, resistance, breadboards, etc. Suggestions: ⁃ Order an Arduino Uno if you don't already have one. ⁃ Buy some basic components if you don't have them yet. More info on the website. Questions? [email protected] We'll be: ⁃ Showing off Arduino-based projects we've finished ⁃ Coding & working on current projects ⁃ Helping debug others' projects ⁃ Explaining the basics: volts, amps, resistance, breadboards, etc. Suggestions: ⁃ Order an Arduino Uno if you don't already have one. ⁃ Buy some basic components if you don't have them yet. More info on the website. Questions? [email protected]
Change #6125

create Calagator::Event 1250459869 Portland Linux/Unix Group: Free Content and the Data Revolution Roll back

description nil Presentation Free Content and the Data Revolution by Daniel Hedlund The amount of information available on the Internet has exploded in recent years and shows no sign of slowing down. Most of this information is freely available to anyone with a web browser --- but what does free mean? Daniel Hedlund will lead a discussion on the meaning of open data and explore how the open source movement is no longer constrained to the realm of software.
end_time nil 2011-03-03 21:00:00 -0800
id nil 1250459869
start_time nil 2011-03-03 19:00:00 -0800
title nil Portland Linux/Unix Group: Free Content and the Data Revolution
url nil
venue_id nil 202391953
Change #6124

update Calagator::Event 1250459868 PDX Open Source GIS Re-scheduled Meeting Roll back

description Normally on the fourth Wednesday of each month at OpenSourcery but rescheduled due to extreme flurry storm last week. -- We meet the 4th Wednesday of every month from 6:30-8:00 PM at OpenSourcery in NW Portland. No need to RSVP, all are welcome- our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers. [Please arrive no more than 10 minutes early, as the developers at OpenSourcery are working up until the meeting time.] If our meetings are canceled or changed we will post this in Discussions, so please check there for the most recent information and activity. OpenSourcery 1636 NW Lovejoy St. Portland, OR 97209 [Or, if you prefer: 45.529986, -122.688206] Normally on the fourth Wednesday of each month at OpenSourcery but rescheduled due to extreme flurry storm last week. -- Below is information about REGULAR MEETINGS, which happen at a different location and time: We meet the 4th Wednesday of every month from 6:30-8:00 PM at OpenSourcery in NW Portland. No need to RSVP, all are welcome- our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers. [Please arrive no more than 10 minutes early, as the developers at OpenSourcery are working up until the meeting time.] If our meetings are canceled or changed we will post this in Discussions, so please check there for the most recent information and activity. OpenSourcery 1636 NW Lovejoy St. Portland, OR 97209 [Or, if you prefer: 45.529986, -122.688206]
locked nil false
Change #6123

create Calagator::Event 1250459868 PDX Open Source GIS Re-scheduled Meeting Roll back

description nil Normally on the fourth Wednesday of each month at OpenSourcery but rescheduled due to extreme flurry storm last week. -- We meet the 4th Wednesday of every month from 6:30-8:00 PM at OpenSourcery in NW Portland. No need to RSVP, all are welcome- our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers. [Please arrive no more than 10 minutes early, as the developers at OpenSourcery are working up until the meeting time.] If our meetings are canceled or changed we will post this in Discussions, so please check there for the most recent information and activity. OpenSourcery 1636 NW Lovejoy St. Portland, OR 97209 [Or, if you prefer: 45.529986, -122.688206]
end_time nil 2011-03-01 19:00:00 -0800
id nil 1250459868
start_time nil 2011-03-01 18:00:00 -0800
title nil PDX Open Source GIS Re-scheduled Meeting
url nil
venue_id nil 202390038
Change #6122

update Calagator::Event 1250459867 ORURISA GIS in Action Roll back

description This is the Nineteenth annual conference hosted by the Columbia Region of the American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS), the Oregon-Southwest Washington Chapter of the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA) and Portland State University (PSU). Each year, ASPRS and URISA collaborate to hold this informational conference on current issues in the Geospatial Information Community. The Portland State University Geology Department will join us again this year to host the conference at the PSU campus. Last year’s conference at PSU was a great success. Join us again this year for what will be another successful opportunity to meet colleagues in the geospatial industries and organizations, to learn about emerging topics and recent advances in GIS applications and to discuss our problems and solutions together. This event features a one-fee, two day format, packed with information presented in concurrently running workshops and sessions on both days. There will be three tracks each day consisting of panel discussions debating hot topics, traditional sessions with 2-3 presentations per session and technical workshops providing in-depth discussion of issues and training in applications most relevant to the geospatial community. On-site registration opens at 7:30AM on Tuesday, March 29th and will remain open through 11:00AM on Wednesday March 30th The conference opens at 8:30AM on Tuesday with an opening address by Jim Geringer, former Governor of Wyoming and will be followed by concurrent sessions and workshops . The Annual Vendor Social will be held Tuesday evening from 5:00PM to 7:00PM. The conference will continue on Wednesday beginning at 8:30AM with concurrent sessions and workshops followed by a closing session. Conference Highlights: The Exhibit Hall will open on Tuesday at 8:00AM and remain open until Wednesday at 2:00PM. The hall will feature as many as 20 vendors in GIS related technology and services. This is an opportunity to see and discuss the latest advances in the industry. The Vendor Social will be held on Tuesday evening from 5:00PM to 7:00PM in the Exhibit Hall. Join your peers in a more relaxed atmosphere with music, food and beverages. You will also find two free drink tickets in your registration packet. The Poster Session will be held during the Vender Social. Ballots for the People’s Choice are included in your registration packet. Please take it to the Exhibit Hall and vote Early Registration (until March 21st) Regular: $195.00 Student or Unemployed: $35.00 On-Site and Late Registrations Regular: $225.00 Student or Unemployed: $45.00 One Day: $125 Half-Price registration discount for presenters (discount applicable to primary presenter only). Vendor Social The Vendor Social will be held on Tuesday evening from 5:00PM to 7:00PM in the Exhibit Hall. Join your peers in a more relaxed atmosphere with music, food and beverages. Music will be provided by the Cleveland Jazz Combo You will also find two free drink tickets in your registration packet. Open Source GIS (Un)-Conference Thursday and Friday, March 31 & April 1 (more information will be posted, as available.) This is the Nineteenth annual conference hosted by the Columbia Region of the American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS), the Oregon-Southwest Washington Chapter of the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA) and Portland State University (PSU). Each year, ASPRS and URISA collaborate to hold this informational conference on current issues in the Geospatial Information Community. The Portland State University Geology Department will join us again this year to host the conference at the PSU campus. Last year’s conference at PSU was a great success. Join us again this year for what will be another successful opportunity to meet colleagues in the geospatial industries and organizations, to learn about emerging topics and recent advances in GIS applications and to discuss our problems and solutions together. This event features a one-fee, two day format, packed with information presented in concurrently running workshops and sessions on both days. There will be three tracks each day consisting of panel discussions debating hot topics, traditional sessions with 2-3 presentations per session and technical workshops providing in-depth discussion of issues and training in applications most relevant to the geospatial community. On-site registration opens at 7:30AM on Tuesday, March 29th and will remain open through 11:00AM on Wednesday March 30th The conference opens at 8:30AM on Tuesday with an opening address by Jim Geringer, former Governor of Wyoming and will be followed by concurrent sessions and workshops . The Annual Vendor Social will be held Tuesday evening from 5:00PM to 7:00PM. The conference will continue on Wednesday beginning at 8:30AM with concurrent sessions and workshops followed by a closing session. Conference Highlights: The Exhibit Hall will open on Tuesday at 8:00AM and remain open until Wednesday at 2:00PM. The hall will feature as many as 20 vendors in GIS related technology and services. This is an opportunity to see and discuss the latest advances in the industry. The Vendor Social will be held on Tuesday evening from 5:00PM to 7:00PM in the Exhibit Hall. Join your peers in a more relaxed atmosphere with music, food and beverages. You will also find two free drink tickets in your registration packet. The Poster Session will be held during the Vender Social. Ballots for the People’s Choice are included in your registration packet. Please take it to the Exhibit Hall and vote Early Registration (until March 21st) Regular: $195.00 Student or Unemployed: $35.00 On-Site and Late Registrations Regular: $225.00 Student or Unemployed: $45.00 One Day: $125 Half-Price registration discount for presenters (discount applicable to primary presenter only). Vendor Social The Vendor Social will be held on Tuesday evening from 5:00PM to 7:00PM in the Exhibit Hall. Join your peers in a more relaxed atmosphere with music, food and beverages. Music will be provided by the Cleveland Jazz Combo You will also find two free drink tickets in your registration packet. Open Source GIS (Un)-Conference Thursday and Friday, March 31 & April 1 (more information will be posted, as available.)
locked nil false
Change #6121

create Calagator::Event 1250459867 ORURISA GIS in Action Roll back

description nil This is the Nineteenth annual conference hosted by the Columbia Region of the American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS), the Oregon-Southwest Washington Chapter of the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA) and Portland State University (PSU). Each year, ASPRS and URISA collaborate to hold this informational conference on current issues in the Geospatial Information Community. The Portland State University Geology Department will join us again this year to host the conference at the PSU campus. Last year’s conference at PSU was a great success. Join us again this year for what will be another successful opportunity to meet colleagues in the geospatial industries and organizations, to learn about emerging topics and recent advances in GIS applications and to discuss our problems and solutions together. This event features a one-fee, two day format, packed with information presented in concurrently running workshops and sessions on both days. There will be three tracks each day consisting of panel discussions debating hot topics, traditional sessions with 2-3 presentations per session and technical workshops providing in-depth discussion of issues and training in applications most relevant to the geospatial community. On-site registration opens at 7:30AM on Tuesday, March 29th and will remain open through 11:00AM on Wednesday March 30th The conference opens at 8:30AM on Tuesday with an opening address by Jim Geringer, former Governor of Wyoming and will be followed by concurrent sessions and workshops . The Annual Vendor Social will be held Tuesday evening from 5:00PM to 7:00PM. The conference will continue on Wednesday beginning at 8:30AM with concurrent sessions and workshops followed by a closing session. Conference Highlights: The Exhibit Hall will open on Tuesday at 8:00AM and remain open until Wednesday at 2:00PM. The hall will feature as many as 20 vendors in GIS related technology and services. This is an opportunity to see and discuss the latest advances in the industry. The Vendor Social will be held on Tuesday evening from 5:00PM to 7:00PM in the Exhibit Hall. Join your peers in a more relaxed atmosphere with music, food and beverages. You will also find two free drink tickets in your registration packet. The Poster Session will be held during the Vender Social. Ballots for the People’s Choice are included in your registration packet. Please take it to the Exhibit Hall and vote Early Registration (until March 21st) Regular: $195.00 Student or Unemployed: $35.00 On-Site and Late Registrations Regular: $225.00 Student or Unemployed: $45.00 One Day: $125 Half-Price registration discount for presenters (discount applicable to primary presenter only). Vendor Social The Vendor Social will be held on Tuesday evening from 5:00PM to 7:00PM in the Exhibit Hall. Join your peers in a more relaxed atmosphere with music, food and beverages. Music will be provided by the Cleveland Jazz Combo You will also find two free drink tickets in your registration packet. Open Source GIS (Un)-Conference Thursday and Friday, March 31 & April 1 (more information will be posted, as available.)
end_time nil 2011-03-30 10:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250459867
start_time nil 2011-03-29 08:00:00 -0700
title nil ORURISA GIS in Action
venue_id nil 202390271
Change #6120

update Calagator::Venue 202390386 PSU Engineering Building Roll back

address nil 1930 SW Fourth Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97201
closed nil false
country nil US
description nil <b>This building is located at SW College Street and SW 4th Avenue</b>
email nil
events_count nil 9
id 202392401 202390386
latitude nil 45.5092
locality nil Portland
longitude nil -122.6816
postal_code nil 97201
region nil Oregon
street_address nil SW College Street and SW 4th Avenue
telephone nil
title PSU Engineering Building Portland State University Engineering Building
url nil
wifi nil false
Change #6119

create Calagator::Event 1250459866 PDX11 Civic Hackathon and Unconference Roll back

description nil Teaser for the April 1-2 PDX11 event and hackathon. More details soon!
end_time nil 2011-04-02 18:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250459866
start_time nil 2011-04-01 17:00:00 -0700
title nil PDX11 Civic Hackathon and Unconference
url nil http://TBD
venue_id nil 202392401
Change #6118

create Calagator::Venue 202390386 PSU Engineering Building Roll back

id nil 202392401
title nil PSU Engineering Building
Change #6117

update Calagator::Event 1250459857 Red Hat Map Hack! Roll back

description <img src="" /> Design, hack and field test locally focused civic geo mobile applications! Anyone at any skill level can come learn how to make mobile apps. We will design and code all night and then go out in the morning and field test the apps. Examples of what will be built/improved: * CatMapper - geolocate cats: <a href=''>code</a>, <a href="">screenshot</a>, <a href="">video blog</a>. You can learn how to fork CatMapper and repurpose it for other awesome use cases. * Geoloqi - build GPS enabled non-visual augmented reality apps! Have restaurants text message you their health inspection as you walk by them, leave geo-notes for your friends, or create GPS feeds for cats by giving them iPhones! * <a href="">Walking Papers</a> - Use paper and pencil to map your community! We could fork this project to work for other types of data collection @maxogden will be in town for two days only. Come hack on crazy stuff with him! Please RSVP via EventBrite so we can get an idea of how many people will be there. Food/drinks will be provided in some form or another! <img src="" /> <img src="" /> Design, hack and field test locally focused civic geo mobile applications! Anyone at any skill level can come learn how to make mobile apps. We will design and code all night and then go out in the morning and field test the apps. Examples of what will be built/improved: * CatMapper - geolocate cats: <a href=''>code</a>, <a href="">screenshot</a>, <a href="">video blog</a>. You can learn how to fork CatMapper and repurpose it for other awesome use cases. * Geoloqi - build GPS enabled non-visual augmented reality apps! Have restaurants text message you their health inspection as you walk by them, leave geo-notes for your friends, or create GPS feeds for cats by giving them iPhones! * <a href="">Walking Papers</a> - Use paper and pencil to map your community! We could fork this project to work for other types of data collection @maxogden will be in town for two days only. Come hack on crazy stuff with him! Please RSVP via <a href="">EventBrite</a so we can get an idea of how many people will be there. Food/drinks will be provided in some form or another! <img src="" />
locked nil false
Change #6116

update Calagator::Event 1250459857 Overnight geo app hackfest Roll back

description Design, hack and field test locally focused civic geo mobile applications! Anyone at any skill level can come learn how to make mobile apps. We will design and code all night and then go out in the morning and field test the apps. Examples of what will be built/improved: * CatMapper - geolocate cats: <a href=''>code</a>, <a href="">screenshot</a>, <a href="">video blog</a>. You can learn how to fork CatMapper and repurpose it for other awesome use cases. * Geoloqi - build GPS enabled non-visual augmented reality apps! Have restaurants text message you their health inspection as you walk by them, leave geo-notes for your friends, or create GPS feeds for cats by giving them iPhones! * <a href="">Walking Papers</a> - Use paper and pencil to map your community! We could fork this project to work for other types of data collection @maxogden will be in town for two days only. Come hack on crazy stuff with him! more exact details TBA soon <img src="" /> Design, hack and field test locally focused civic geo mobile applications! Anyone at any skill level can come learn how to make mobile apps. We will design and code all night and then go out in the morning and field test the apps. Examples of what will be built/improved: * CatMapper - geolocate cats: <a href=''>code</a>, <a href="">screenshot</a>, <a href="">video blog</a>. You can learn how to fork CatMapper and repurpose it for other awesome use cases. * Geoloqi - build GPS enabled non-visual augmented reality apps! Have restaurants text message you their health inspection as you walk by them, leave geo-notes for your friends, or create GPS feeds for cats by giving them iPhones! * <a href="">Walking Papers</a> - Use paper and pencil to map your community! We could fork this project to work for other types of data collection @maxogden will be in town for two days only. Come hack on crazy stuff with him! Please RSVP via EventBrite so we can get an idea of how many people will be there. Food/drinks will be provided in some form or another! <img src="" />
title Overnight geo app hackfest Red Hat Map Hack!
Change #6115

update Calagator::Event 1250459618 Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting Roll back

description <i>GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses. VENUE: This meeting’s space is kindly provided by Robert Half Technology at their 2nd Floor Conference Room. Enter the KOIN Tower from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd Avenue, take the back elevators to the 2nd floor, and then follow the pdxruby signs.</i> TOPICS: * Bill Kayser of New Relic will talk about his company's Ruby products for tracking and identifying performance problems. * Group discussion on performance issues and how to fix them. Bring your questions! * Igal Koshevoy will talk about doing full-text searching using Sunspot to help your users find relevant information. * Igal Koshevoy will talk about building a simple, pluggable mechanisms to let folks running your code configure it to use a particular implementation of a feature, e.g. perform search using SQL, Sunspot or something else. * ...more! <i>GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses. VENUE: This meeting’s space is kindly provided by Robert Half Technology at their 2nd Floor Conference Room. Enter the KOIN Tower from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd Avenue, take the back elevators to the 2nd floor, and then follow the pdxruby signs.</i>
locked nil false
Change #6114

update Calagator::Event 1250459803 BarCamp Portland 5 (tentative date) Roll back

end_time 2011-05-20 21:00:00 -0700 2011-05-21 21:00:00 -0700
start_time 2011-05-20 09:00:00 -0700 2011-05-21 09:00:00 -0700
Change #6113

update Calagator::Event 1250459863 Arduino Meetup Roll back

description We'll be: ⁃ Showing off Arduino-based projects we're working on ⁃ Simply coding & working on our own things ⁃ Helping debug others' projects ⁃ Explaining the basics: volts, amps, resistance, breadboards, etc. Suggestions: ⁃ Order an Arduino Uno if you don't already have one. ⁃ Buy some basic components if you don't have them yet. More info on the website. We'll be: ⁃ Showing off Arduino-based projects we're working on ⁃ Simply coding & working on our own things ⁃ Helping debug others' projects ⁃ Explaining the basics: volts, amps, resistance, breadboards, etc. Suggestions: ⁃ Order an Arduino Uno if you don't already have one. ⁃ Buy some basic components if you don't have them yet. More info on the website. Questions? [email protected]
Change #6112

destroy Calagator::Event 1250459865 FREE Webinar: Competitive Analysis For SEO Roll back

Change #6111

update Calagator::Event 1250459837 TiE Oregon - Taking on Groupon - How local companies are serving daily deals. Roll back

description Groupon, a company featuring a daily deal on the best stuff to do, see, eat, and buy in more than 150 cities around the world recently spurned a $6 billion buyout offer by Google. By promising businesses a minimum number of customers, Groupon can offer deals that aren't available elsewhere. Now several local companies have the same objective. Mobba (Motto: Shopper's Unite!)an online marketplace where consumers team to leverage their purchasing power on discounted items, Zaphour, which supports very specific offers by restaurants and Forkfly, which allows you "to access great deals from some of the best merchants on the Fly!" will participate in a group discussion about this hot knew area - group buying. Entrepreneurs can be inspired by these innovative ideas. Groupon, a company featuring a daily deal on the best stuff to do, see, eat, and buy in more than 150 cities around the world recently spurned a $6 billion buyout offer by Google. By promising businesses a minimum number of customers, Groupon can offer deals that aren't available elsewhere. Now several local companies have the same objective. Mobba (Motto: Shopper's Unite!)an online marketplace where consumers team to leverage their purchasing power on discounted items, Zaphour, which supports very specific offers by restaurants and Forkfly, which allows you "to access great deals from some of the best merchants on the Fly!" will participate in a group discussion about this hot knew area - group buying. Entrepreneurs can be inspired by these innovative ideas.
title TiE Oregon - Taking on Groupon - How local companies are serving daily deals. TiE Oregon: Taking on Groupon - How local companies are serving daily deals.
Change #6110

update Calagator::Event 1250459837 Taking on Groupon - How local group-buying companies serve Daily Deals. Roll back

title Taking on Groupon - How local group-buying companies serve Daily Deals. TiE Oregon - Taking on Groupon - How local companies are serving daily deals.
Change #6109

create Calagator::Event 1250459865 FREE Webinar: Competitive Analysis For SEO Roll back

description nil Imagine trying to drive to a town you’ve never been to without any map or directions. It would be pretty hard, wouldn’t it? Yet that’s exactly how most people do Search Engine Optimization (SEO). They don’t have a roadmap to see where they are, where they’re going to and how to get there. I’ll show you how to create a roadmap for SEO by analyzing your website to discover what areas of SEO you’ll need to work on to beat your competitors and be #1 on Google. <strong>This is what you’ll learn:</strong> How to check and compare your site against your top competitors based on: - Number of Indexed Pages - Number of Incoming Links - Link Quality - Anchor Text - PageRank - Site Age - On-Page Optimization Score - Your AllInText, AllInTitle and AllInAnchor Positions Why every search engine result page (SERP) is different and how to adjust your strategy based on what works in your industry. By the end of the webinar you’ll have a very clear idea as of why your competitors are ranking above you on Google and exactly what to do to change that. The webinar is on March 9, 2011, at 1pm PST. It’ll be 30-minutes long and we’ll have a 15-minute Q&A session after that. <strong>Register Now:</strong>
end_time nil 2011-03-09 14:00:00 -0800
id nil 1250459865
start_time nil 2011-03-09 13:00:00 -0800
title nil FREE Webinar: Competitive Analysis For SEO
url nil
venue_id nil 202390270
Change #6108

create Calagator::Event 1250459864 Arduino Meetup Roll back

description nil We'll be: ⁃ Showing off Arduino-based projects we're working on ⁃ Coding & working on our own things ⁃ Helping debug others' projects ⁃ Explaining the basics and helping people get started: volts, amps, resistance, breadboards, etc. Suggestions: ⁃ Order an Arduino Uno if you don't already have one. ⁃ Buy some basic components if you don't have them yet. More info on the website.
end_time nil 2011-04-07 21:30:00 -0700
id nil 1250459864
start_time nil 2011-04-07 20:00:00 -0700
title nil Arduino Meetup
url nil
venue_id nil 202390282
Change #6107

update Calagator::Event 1250459863 Arduino Meetup Roll back

description We'll be: ⁃ Demonstrating Arduino-based projects ⁃ Simply coding & working on our own things ⁃ Helping debug others' projects ⁃ Explaining the basics: volts, amps, resistance, breadboards, etc. Suggestions: ⁃ Order an Arduino Uno if you don't already have one. ⁃ Buy some basic components if you don't have them yet. More info on the website. We'll be: ⁃ Showing off Arduino-based projects we're working on ⁃ Simply coding & working on our own things ⁃ Helping debug others' projects ⁃ Explaining the basics: volts, amps, resistance, breadboards, etc. Suggestions: ⁃ Order an Arduino Uno if you don't already have one. ⁃ Buy some basic components if you don't have them yet. More info on the website.
Change #6106

create Calagator::Event 1250459863 Arduino Meetup Roll back

description nil We'll be: ⁃ Demonstrating Arduino-based projects ⁃ Simply coding & working on our own things ⁃ Helping debug others' projects ⁃ Explaining the basics: volts, amps, resistance, breadboards, etc. Suggestions: ⁃ Order an Arduino Uno if you don't already have one. ⁃ Buy some basic components if you don't have them yet. More info on the website.
end_time nil 2011-03-10 21:30:00 -0800
id nil 1250459863
start_time nil 2011-03-10 20:00:00 -0800
title nil Arduino Meetup
url nil
venue_id nil 202390282
Change #6105

create Calagator::Event 1250459862 Android PDX User Group Roll back

end_time nil 2011-03-14 19:30:00 -0700
id nil 1250459862
start_time nil 2011-03-14 18:30:00 -0700
title nil Android PDX User Group
url nil
venue_id nil 202392001
Change #6104

create Calagator::Event 1250459861 North Portland Coders Night Roll back

description nil Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.
end_time nil 2011-03-28 22:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250459861
start_time nil 2011-03-28 18:30:00 -0700
title nil North Portland Coders Night
url nil
venue_id nil 202392001
Change #6103

create Calagator::Event 1250459860 North Portland Coders Night Roll back

description nil Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.
end_time nil 2011-03-21 22:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250459860
start_time nil 2011-03-21 18:30:00 -0700
title nil North Portland Coders Night
url nil
venue_id nil 202392001
Change #6102

create Calagator::Event 1250459859 North Portland Coders Night Roll back

description nil Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.
end_time nil 2011-03-14 22:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250459859
start_time nil 2011-03-14 18:30:00 -0700
title nil North Portland Coders Night
url nil
venue_id nil 202392001
Change #6101

create Calagator::Event 1250459858 North Portland Coders Night Roll back

description nil Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.
end_time nil 2011-03-07 22:00:00 -0800
id nil 1250459858
start_time nil 2011-03-07 18:30:00 -0800
title nil North Portland Coders Night
url nil
venue_id nil 202392001
Change #6100

update Calagator::Event 1250459792 North Portland Coders Night Roll back

description and on twitter Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.
locked nil false
Change #6099

update Calagator::Event 1250459836 PDX Cocoaheads Roll back

description This is the regular February meeting, rescheduled due to snow. This meeting will be split into two parts: The "regular" meeting will be a presentation on Xcode 4 by Steve Riggins and Brandon Sneed. Please note that Xcode 4 is still under Apple NDA - this means that in order to attend the meeting you need to have signed up for at least a free membership at The second part of the meeting will be the kickoff of the Learning iPhone project ( Those who aren't interested in the class can head out for beer, and the rest of us will join them when we're done. This is the regular February meeting, rescheduled due to fear of snow. This meeting will be split into two parts: The "regular" meeting will be a presentation on Xcode 4 by Steve Riggins and Brandon Sneed. Please note that Xcode 4 is still under Apple NDA - this means that in order to attend the meeting you need to have signed up for at least a free membership at The second part of the meeting will be the kickoff of the Learning iPhone project ( Those who aren't interested in the class can head out for beer, and the rest of us will join them when we're done.
locked nil false
Change #6098

update Calagator::Event 1250459712 Getting the right test results - Agile PDX Roll back

description Working Title: Getting the right test results Mark Knell will introduce a new way of creating tests cases - ones that pass only when they should. "This transformation in how you think about your code will be recognizable to anyone who does TDD. But while there's extensive tool support for running tests, or writing and refactoring code... there are few tools for writing tests." Examples in C#. This event is free and is at our new location, Puppet Labs. It begins at 6:30 pm with pizza, sponsored by PNSQC (Many thanks to both Puppet Labs and PNSQC for supporting agile in Portland). The program starts at 7:00 pm. After the program you're invited to join us for a no-host gathering at a nearby brewpub for further discussion. Join us March 16th at 6:30 pm as AgilePDX explores New Horizons in TDD. Two local experts, Mark Knell and Marty Nelson will preview their proposed talks for Agile 2011. They will discuss applying TDD at new scales: in the micro, with assertions driving the composition of tests, and in the macro, with confirmational aspects of features driving the communication of vision and intent Mark's Talk: Most tests follow an arrange/act/assert pattern that dates back to the earliest days of xUnit. A bowling test might set up a new frame, roll a ball, and expect that if no pins are left standing, the score will be a strike. But this test also passes if there were never any pins set up in the first place. Difference-Asserting Fluent Tests use a DSL to close this and several other loopholes in NUnit and MSTest assertions, while letting you keep those tools in place. You've heard of syntactic sugar? This is syntactic caulk. And more. Mark Knell is a developer and Agile coach working in Portland. He has a master's degree from Harvard University Extension. Marty's talk: We all hope that our software will satisfy the goals and desires of our users and customers. Yet most development starts by focusing on features as a mechanism to achieve an outcome, rather than creating something demonstrable that will confirm that the vision and intent has been achieved. What if these confirmational and functional aspects were really two sides of the same feature that could be exploited to develop features in a test-driven manner? Feature TDD is a technique that does just that: create confirmational aspects that clearly establish desired outcomes and then use those to test-drive the functional mechanism that is the focus of traditional software development. Marty Nelson is the Head of Architecture at Accelrys, Inc., an ISV offering Enterprise Lab Management solutions that serve a rapidly changing pharmaceutical and scientific R&D industry. Marty has been practicing agile development since 2003 and has taken a keen interested in the last couple of years in the architectural and organizational application of agile values and principals. This event is free and is at our new location, Puppet Labs. It begins at 6:30 pm with pizza, sponsored by PNSQC (Many thanks to both Puppet Labs and PNSQC for supporting agile in Portland). The program starts at 7:00 pm. After the program you're invited to join us for a no-host gathering at a nearby brewpub for further discussion.
locked nil false
title Getting the right test results - Agile PDX New Horizons in TDD - Agile PDX
Change #6097

update Calagator::Venue 202391799 Powell's City of Books Roll back

address nil
closed nil false
description nil
email nil
events_count nil 2
latitude 45.533 45.523
longitude -122.682 -122.6815
telephone nil
url nil
wifi nil false
Change #6096

create Calagator::Event 1250459857 Overnight geo app hackfest Roll back

description nil Design, hack and field test locally focused civic geo mobile applications! Anyone at any skill level can come learn how to make mobile apps. We will design and code all night and then go out in the morning and field test the apps. Examples of what will be built/improved: * CatMapper - geolocate cats: <a href=''>code</a>, <a href="">screenshot</a>, <a href="">video blog</a>. You can learn how to fork CatMapper and repurpose it for other awesome use cases. * Geoloqi - build GPS enabled non-visual augmented reality apps! Have restaurants text message you their health inspection as you walk by them, leave geo-notes for your friends, or create GPS feeds for cats by giving them iPhones! * <a href="">Walking Papers</a> - Use paper and pencil to map your community! We could fork this project to work for other types of data collection @maxogden will be in town for two days only. Come hack on crazy stuff with him! more exact details TBA soon
end_time nil 2011-03-06 11:00:00 -0800
id nil 1250459857
start_time nil 2011-03-05 19:00:00 -0800
title nil Overnight geo app hackfest
venue_id nil 202391901
Change #6095

update Calagator::Event 1250459712 Software Quality Topic - Agile PDX monthly meeting Roll back

title Software Quality Topic - Agile PDX monthly meeting Getting the right test results - Agile PDX
Change #6094

create Calagator::Event 1250459856 Mobile Portland - Mobile Subscriptions: Controversy and Opportunity Roll back

description nil <i>RSVP at</i> Apple's newly announced policies for subscriptions in iOS apps have the tech and publishing industry buzzing. Ever since Rupert Murdoch announced that his new initiative, The Daily, would use the new subscription service, people have wondered how the service would work. Like many App Store announcements, the unveiling of the new policies seem to create more questions than they answer. This month at Mobile Portland, we are pleased to have a distinguished panel of experts who will take a look at controversy, risks and opportunities associated with mobile subscriptions. They will cover questions like: * Can publishers adjust their business models can survive Apple taking such a large percentage (30%) of their subscription fees and the fact that they will not have the demographic information about subscribers that they use to sell ads? * Why do publishers want the subscriber information? How much of their revenue comes from selling subscriber data to direct mail companies? Are the policies important to protect consumer privacy? * Will popular applications like Netflix, Kindle and survive under these new rules? * Will these new policies apply to software as a service as well? What about products like Dropbox and Basecamp? * Do these changes make it more difficult for companies to innovate and disrupt existing industries? Even with all of the controversy, many people see opportunities for new business models that were not possible before. The panel will explore what businesses may benefit the most from Apple's new subscription services as well as dive into some of the technical details on how they can be implemented. Apple isn't the only game in town. Google has responded with it's One Pass service for Android that will allow publishers to keep 90 percent of revenue and access to more subscriber data. Will Android and other platforms put pressure on Apple to change it's policy? Please join us for this free timely and informative discussion <b>Our Panelists</b> <b>Sasha Mace</b> Sasha Mace is the Engineering Manager at Urban Airship. He has been working on Urban Airship's implementation of subscriptions for iOS and Android. Few people are in a better position to talk about the technical differences between the subscription services that each platform provides. <b>Jon Maroney</b> Jon Maroney is Senior VP Mobile Publishing for Handmark. Handmark specializes in delivering mobile application solutions for brands, publishers and media companies. Because of their extensive work with publishers, Jon has unique insight into how publishers are looking at the new subscription models. <b>Kiyo Kubo</b> Kiyo Kubo is the CEO of Spotlight Mobile. Spotlight Mobile has built many popular apps including apps for publishers like Vogue and GQ as well as Barnes and Noble. Kiyo will be able to talk about what his publishing customers are concerned about and how it may impact book publishers. <b>Elia Freedman, Moderator</b> Elia Freedman has spent over 14 years in the mobile industry as CEO of Infinity Softworks. In that time, Infinity Softworks has distributed more than 15 million software products and brokered major partnerships with mobile and industry heavyweights including Palm, Sony, Garmin, Viewsonic and others. Infinity Softworks iOS apps have been used more than a million times, has been an Apple staff pick and a Best of 2010 app. The industry analysis on his blog is a must read.
end_time nil 2011-02-28 21:00:00 -0800
id nil 1250459856
source_id nil 996334512
start_time nil 2011-02-28 18:00:00 -0800
title nil Mobile Portland - Mobile Subscriptions: Controversy and Opportunity
url nil
venue_id nil 202392011
Change #6093

create Calagator::Event 1250459855 Open Source Bridge Volunteer Meetup Roll back

description nil Come learn about volunteer opportunities at this year's Open Source Bridge, get an update on our progress so far, and meet some of the core team and socialize with other volunteers.
end_time nil 2011-04-04 20:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250459855
start_time nil 2011-04-04 18:30:00 -0700
title nil Open Source Bridge Volunteer Meetup
url nil
venue_id nil 202392001
Change #6092

update Calagator::Event 1250459712 Software Quality Topic - Agile PDX monthly meeting Roll back

description To Be Decided This event is free and is at our new location, Puppet Labs. It begins at 6:30 pm with pizza, sponsored by PNSQC (Many thanks to both Puppet Labs and PNSQC for supporting agile in Portland). The program starts at 7:00 pm. After the program you're invited to join us for a no-host gathering at a nearby brewpub for further discussion. Working Title: Getting the right test results Mark Knell will introduce a new way of creating tests cases - ones that pass only when they should. "This transformation in how you think about your code will be recognizable to anyone who does TDD. But while there's extensive tool support for running tests, or writing and refactoring code... there are few tools for writing tests." Examples in C#. This event is free and is at our new location, Puppet Labs. It begins at 6:30 pm with pizza, sponsored by PNSQC (Many thanks to both Puppet Labs and PNSQC for supporting agile in Portland). The program starts at 7:00 pm. After the program you're invited to join us for a no-host gathering at a nearby brewpub for further discussion.
Change #6091

update Calagator::Venue 202392400 The Gerding Theater at The Armory. Roll back

closed nil false
duplicate_of_id nil 202389911
events_count nil 0
wifi nil false
Change #6090

update Calagator::Event 1250459853 TEDxPortland Roll back

venue_id 202392400 202389911